ISCBacademy Upcoming Webinars

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ISCBacademy is an online webinar series including the ISCB COSI, COVID webinars, Indigenous Voices and practical tutorials. We aim to inspire, connect, and communicate the science while providing a hands-on experience accessing and using newly developed bioinformatics tools while ensuring best practices for rigour and reproducibility.

From omics to insights in early drug discovery and late-stage clinical development
by Vivek Das

April 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT

The advent of high-dimensional multimodal omics technologies has revolutionized the landscape of drug discovery and clinical development by enabling a comprehensive understanding of biological systems be it oncology or chronic diseases. In early drug discovery, such varied form of omics like genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics alongside clinical phenotypic measurements facilitate the identification of known and novel targets by elucidating disease mechanisms at an unprecedented molecular level. As early potential drug targets progresses to late-stage clinical development, multi-omics approaches can often provide critical insights into drug efficacy, safety, and patient stratification, thereby enhancing the precision of therapeutic interventions. Integration of omics and clinical data with advanced statistical and Machine Learning models are also increasingly becoming a part of the drug discovery and development value chain to predict potential adverse events, dosing regimens and mechanisms of action. Ultimately, the application of omics technologies throughout the drug development pipeline promises to accelerate the delivery of personalized medicine and improve patient outcomes.

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