The following instructions are ONLY for SHORT papers ACCEPTED for presentation at ISMB/ECCB 2004. The abstracts will be printed in the programme book and PDF files of the full papers will be made available online.
  • Final version of accepted manuscripts: MONDAY MARCH 15, 2004, 12:00 Midnight Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (see to find out how this compares to your local time)
  • You will NOT receive page proofs.

You will submit the final version of your accepted paper using CyberChair Pro at


You will need to submit:

  • The compiled version of your paper – as a PDF file
  • The source files for your paper: EITHER MSWord file and all figure files (.eps files), OR all LaTeX source files and figure files (.tex,.eps, etc) needed to compile your paper, tar-ed into one file. AND
  • A plain text (.txt) file containing the title, author names, author contact details and abstract only ˆ for printing in the conference proceedings book.
  • Revisions to original submission
    Authors must not significantly alter the content or scope of their initial submission except to address the reviewers' comments or to improve the English.
  • Quality and length
    Papers must be clearly and concisely written in English and within the recommended length – i.e. NO MORE THAN 3 PAGES USING THE TEMPLATES PROVIDED. In the interests of speed, manuscripts are not copyedited and authors are requested to check their texts carefully before submitting them so that proofs will require only correction of typographical errors.
  • Copyright permissions
    If previously published tables, illustrations or more than 200 words of text are to be included, then the copyright holder's written permission must be obtained. WE CANNOT ACCEPT YOUR PAPER UNLESS SUCH PERMISSIONS ARE RECEIVED BY 1 APRIL 2004. Send copies of any such permission letters to:

    Margaret Jackson
    Bioinformatics Research Centre
    A416, Davidson Building
    University of Glasgow
    Glasgow G12 8QQ

    Fax: +44 141 330 8627
  • Copyright of your short paper
    We will print the abstract of your short paper in the programme book (_not_ in the conference proceedings book) and we will make the full text of your paper available online from the ISMB/ECCB 2004 website. By submitting your revised paper to cyberchair you are granting us permission to do this. However, you retain full copyright of the paper.

LaTeX style sheets for submissions

Download the files as a tar file here
Download the files as a bin-hex file here

NOTE: Because the LaTeX style sheets use proprietary fonts, you will see many non-fatal warnings when you compile your document. In our experience, you may safely ignore these font-related warnings.

MS Word template for submissions

Download an MSWord sample document (.doc file) click here to download
Download an MSWord document template (.dot file) click here to download

To download the files in zipped formats, please select one of the following files (based on the zip preferences of your operating system):

NOTE: Some users have had problems downloading the MSWord template using Netscape. Please try downloading it using Internet Explorer or another browser if you experience difficulties.

Title page
The title should be short, specific and informative, avoiding if possible version number and the words: tool, package, application, software (and similar). The surname and initials of each author should be followed by his/her department, Institution, city with postal code and country. Any changes of address may be added to the footnotes. The author to whom offprint requests are to be sent should be indicated by an asterisk and the footnote 'To whom correspondence should be addressed'. Please provide a running head of not more than 50 characters. Up to five key words should be supplied.

Abstracts of short papers should be no more than 100 words long. If internet hyperlinks are available, either for software or for supplementary information available on the author‚s own website, please provide URLs.

Full electronic mail address to be given beneath the abstract.

Main Text
This should conform to standard scientific reporting style and should be broken into sections. Appropriate section headings may include: Introduction, Systems and Methods, Algorithm, Implementation, Discussion and Conclusion, but these headings are not mandatory. Previous work in the field should be mentioned. Sufficient information should be given so that an application can be re-implemented. A test data set and results must be provided (where appropriate).

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Published articles and those in press (state the journal which has accepted them) may be included. In the text, a reference should be cited by author and date; not more than 2 authors may be cited per reference; if there are more than 2 authors use et al. References must NOT be numbered. At the end of the manuscript, the citations should be given in alphabetical order, with the authors surname followed by the initial. References should include in the following order: author name(s), year, paper title, journal title, volume number, inclusive page numbers. The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Book references should also include the editors and the name and address of the publisher. References should therefore be listed as follows:

Bryce,C.F.A. (1982) Rapid nucleic acid sequencing methods - alternative approaches to facilitating learning. J. Biol. Educ., 16, 275-280.

Soll,D. and Roberts,R.J. (1984) The Applications of Computers to Research on Nucleic Acids II Part 2. IRL Press, Oxford.

Lonsdale,D.M., Hodge,T.P. and Stoehr,P.J. (1984) A computer program for the management of small cosmid banks. In Soll,D. and Roberts,R.J. (eds), The Applications of Computers to Research on Nucleic Acids II Part 2. IRL Press, Oxford, pp. 429-436.

Personal communications (J.Smith, personal communication) should be authorized by those involved in writing, and unpublished data should be cited as (unpublished data). Both should be used as sparingly as possible and only when the unpublished data referred to is peripheral rather than central to the discussion. References to manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be included in the list of references.

These should be included at the end of the text and not in footnotes.

Tables should be placed in the text where you want them to appear and should be numbered consecutively. Tables should be self-explanatory and include a brief descriptive title. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by lower-case letters but should not include extensive experimental detail.

All figures should be referred to in the text as Figure 1 etc. They should be placed in the main text in their approximate final positions. Where available, the figures should be submitted in electronic form e.g. as an encapsulated postscript file. Hard copies of figures should be sent only as a last resort. If you must do this, please label figures lightly on the back with number, first author and manuscript title. An arrow should be used to indicate the top of the figure, and send them to:

Margaret Jackson
Bioinformatics Research Centre
A416, Davidson Building
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ

All figures should be formatted to fit into, or be reduced to, a single (86 mm) or double (178 mm) column width. Figure legends should appear on a separate page.

Web Screen Dumps
Tables or figures are preferable to web screen dumps. All screen dumps should have a white background to increase the contrast between the illustration and the background, so that the figure is easy to read.

Line illustrations
These must be of sufficient quality for publication as submitted, i.e. clear, sharp, clean and of even density. A minimum screen resolution of 300 dpi at the printed size is recommended for bitmap files; vector files (e.g. .eps) are preferable. Figures will NOT be redrawn or relabeled. Any lettering or text should be in proportion with the rest of the figure.

These must be of sufficient quality with respect to detail, contrast, and fineness of grain to withstand the unavoidable loss of contrast inherent in the printing process. A minimum screen resolution of 1200 dpi at the printed size is recommended.

Colour plates
Short papers will be made available online and in colour

In general, submitted papers should follow the conventions of the CBE Style Manual (Council of Biology Editors, Bethesda, MD, 1983, 5th edition). Follow Chemical Abstracts and its indices for chemical names. For guidance in the use of biochemical terminology follow the recommendations issued by the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, as given in Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, published by the Biochemical Society, UK. For enzymes, use the recommended name assigned by the IUPAC-IUB Committee on Biochemical Nomenclature, 1978, as given in Enzyme Nomenclature, published by Academic Press, New York, 1980. Where possible, use the recommended SI units. Genotypes should be italicized. Phenotypes should not be italicized. For bacterial agents nomenclature follow Demerc et al. (1966) Genetics, 54, 61-76.

Page charge
Page charges are NOT levied.

There is NO proofing stage for short papers and the organizers of ISMB/ECB 2004 regret that they CANNOT ACCEPT REVISIONS TO SHORT PAPERS AFTER MARCH 15, 2004.