

ISCB Latin America will bring together scientist from all areas of computational biology. We are soliciting your original and unpublished (or published after January 1, 2009) contribution to be presented as poster and/or oral communication. Authors should prepare a one-page abstract (~400 words/PDF format) following BioMed Central's "Guidelines for Preparation of Abstracts". One-page abstracts may include one figure or one table. A 50-word summary is also required for publication in the conference program, as well as a scientific justification of up to 250 words that explains why this is the rigth work to present at this conference. The oficial language of the conference is English, so one-page abstract, 50-word summary and the scientific justification should all be written in English.

Authors may choose to be considered for poster presentation, oral presentation or both. Contributions selected for oral presentation are encouraged to also be presented as posters as this offers further opportunities for interaction. The presenting author of a poster must be present at the conference and be available at the poster session to which their poster is assigned.

Submitted contributions will be reviewed and categorized into the following general areas:


If you wish to be considered for financial support, you have to submit your abstract before the December 20th deadline. Please specify your intention to apply for financial support by including an estimated amount in US dollars in the field "Funding Amount Requested" in the submission site. If your abstract is accepted you will soon after receive an invitation via email to apply for travel fellowships.

The first call for posters and talks is now closed. A call for consideration for the late poster session is now open: Submit your abstract here!


Please take into consideration the following Key Dates: