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Nomination deadline has past. Please check back in September 2022 to nominate for the 2023 cycle.

Scroll down to see the full list of current ISCB Fellows.

The International Society for Computational Biology introduced the ISCB Fellows Program in 2009 to honor members that have distinguished themselves through outstanding contributions to the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. During the inaugural year of the program, ISCB conferred the Fellow status on the seven winners-to-date of the ISCB Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award, and recognized these distinguished scientists during the ISMB/ECCB 2009 conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Since then, ISCB has sought nominations from our community of members, which are reviewed and voted upon by a selection committee. New Fellows are introduced at each year's ISMB conference.

Nomination procedure:

The ISCB Fellows oversee the Fellows Program, including the election process. Upon selection, new Fellows may use the title immediately and will be recognized at the ISMB meeting following their selection.

The ISCB Fellows oversee the Fellows Program, including the election process (click here to view the election procedures). Upon selection, new Fellows may use the title immediately and will be recognized at the ISMB meeting following their selection