This call is an open invitation to scientists and professionals working in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology to submit high quality proposals for tutorials, workshops or mini-courses (tutorial program) at the ISCB-Latin America, SoIBio and EMBnet Joint Bioinformatics Conference 2018 (ISCB-LA SoIBio EMBnet).

The tutorial program provides participants with lectures and instruction covering either basic training for bioinformatics, well-established technologies/analyses or new "cutting-edge" topics relevant to bioinformatics and computational biology in Latin America. The sessions also offer participants an opportunity to get an introduction to important established topics, to learn about new areas of research, or to develop advanced skills in areas about which they are already knowledgeable.

Tutorials may include any form of presentation such as talks, panel discussions or hands-on training. They serve an educational function and are expected to provide a balanced perspective on a field of research. Sessions on broadly used bioinformatics tools (Ensembl/UCSC, Galaxy, Cytoscape, etc.) will be considered.

Please note that if you wish present on a specific software package/method that is less widely used, your proposal should be submitted to the Technology Track. These presentations do not fall under this call for proposals.

Sessions should be designed as half-day (four hour), full-day (8 hours) or two-day (16 hours) sessions. (A 30-minute break is scheduled for morning and afternoon and a lunch break mid-day). Consideration for acceptance will only be given to proposals providing either:

•Direct practical, hands-on application of the subject matter
•Bringing together people with common interest for discussion

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Proposals should be submitted via the online form by 30 April, 2018.

Proposals should contain the following information:

to submit your proposal.

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Proposal Evaluation

All submissions will be evaluated by a committee, which will consider the following criteria:

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Session Materials

The presenters agree to provide participants with teaching materials that include:

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The authors will grant copyright to session materials to the ISCB for a period to extend from acceptance through August 1, 2019, and they agree that their materials may be made available for use in perpetuity through ISCB.

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Each session team will be provided:

Free registration for up to two team members presenting the tutorial and up to two (2) complimentary passes to the ISCB-LA SoIBio EMBnet joint conference meeting.

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Key Dates

Tutorial Program Deadline 30 April, 2018
Tutroial Program Acceptance Notification 4 June, 2018
Tutorial Program Material 20 June, 2018
Registration Opens TBD
Registration Closes TBD
Tutorial Program Dates 5-6 November, 2018

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