ISCB's Member-Get-a-Member Campaign

You’ve seen first-hand the value in ISCB membership, and now its time to share that value and your stories of ISCB with your students, colleagues, and friends.

Recruit 5 members – receive 10% off an ISCB official conference registration of member's choice

Recruit 10 members – receive 25% off an ISCB official conference registration of member's choice

Recruit 15 members – receive 40% off an ISCB official conference registration of member's choice

Recruit 25 members  – A complimentary registration to any ISCB official conference of your choice! 

Earn discounts just by talking about the benefits of ISCB with the person next to you! 

Through our member-get-a-member campaign, we are asking members to be advocates of ISCB, to help us recruit new members, and encourage previous members to come back.

Looking for extra discounts?  Recruit any number of members and you will automatically be entered into a grand prize drawing at ISMB/ECCB 2021!  

Don't miss out on your recruitment credits, ensure your name is in the member reference field!!  


