Top 3 Reasons Not to Miss ISMB 2014 - Register Now!



Why You Should Attend the Premier Computational Biology Conference of the Year!

The Science – Choose from scientific sessions, over 750 posters, and tutorials representing a multidisciplinary forum for the dissemination of the latest developments in computational biology/bioinformatics. -Explore the Program-

Connect – Meet and Collaborate with over 1,600 scientists representing more than 45 countries from computer science, molecular biology, mathematics, statistics and related fields.

Training & Professional Development – Learn the latest techniques in our Technology Track.  Attend the JPI meeting for those transitioning from Post Doc to Junior PI or the Student Council Symposiums.      

ISMB 2014 is the premier international computation biology meeting worldwide, and is sure to be the year's most important computational biology event globally!

Mark your calendars for ISMB 2014 and join us in Boston!

July 11 - 15, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts