ISCB Congratulates the 2023 Class of Fellows
The ISCB Fellows program was created to honor members who have distinguished themselves through outstanding contributions to the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. Begun in 2009, 2023 marks the 14th anniversary of the program. Each year, ISCB seeks Fellows’ nominations from our members who meet the eligibility criteria for significant scientific and leadership contributions to the field of computational biology and bioinformatics.
This year we received many outstanding nominations, each considered carefully by the Fellows Selection Committee members. We are pleased to announce the fifteen nominees elected to be this year's Fellows.
Bissan Al-Lazikani, UT MD Anderson Cancer Centre

Honored for the development of, a resource for capturing protein structure and drug information on proteins implicated in cancer. Her research success has brought computational biology strongly into clinical translation and pharmaceutical innovation. 
Ana Conesa, Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (CSIC)

Recognized as a key contributor in the field of functional genomics, gene expression and multi-omics analysis by developing bioinformatics tools widely used by biologists and bioinformaticians. She has pioneered the field of long reads transcriptomics, developing more than 20 tools used by tens of thousands scientists world-wide.
Lenore Cowen, Tufts University

For seminal contributions to the design of algorithms leading to many “firsts” in our field, from systems biology to protein structure and function to coral biology, as well as to ISCB itself. 
Arne Elofsson, Stockholm University

Honored for his many important contributions to the field of protein structure prediction. Among his many contributions are widely used prediction programs such as Pcons (automatic structure prediction), TOPCONS and OCTOPUS (membrane protein topology prediction), ProQ (assesses the quality of a protein structure) and studies of protein-protein interactions and evolution of protein structure.
Oliver Kohlbacher, University of Tübingen

Recognized for his work in computational mass spectrometry, personalized cancer immunotherapy, and the integrative analysis of multi-omics data, which resulted in important advances in several scientific fields, and spearheaded the creation of a cohesive community of researchers in computational mass spectrometry and proteomics.
Heng Li, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medicine School

Recognized for his influential tools for the processing of sequence data and his dedication to open-source software, including the detailed documentation which has permitted numerous researchers to learn and build from his work.
Luay Nakhleh, Rice University

A central contributor to computational phylogenetics, including gene/genome phylogenetics as well as cancer phylogenetics, and is one of the world leaders in the field of phylogenetic networks.
Francis Ouellette,

Recognized for his exemplary Computational Biology community leadership in Canada and worldwide. He was instrumental in establishing bioinformatics education and research momentum in Canada, which has, in turn, shaped education models. He is a strong computational biologist and a dedicated champion of open science across bioinformatics and education. He has given a lifelong voice for equity, diversity, inclusion and openness in all life sciences.
Shoba Ranganathan, Macquarie University

For her pivotal work in connecting global bioinformatics communities specially in Australia, Singapore, and the Asia-Pacific region which led to critical improvements in bioinformatics education, training, infrastructure and research.  She was also named the awardee of the 2023 ISCB Outstanding Service Award. 
Russell Schwartz, Carnegie Mellon University
For bringing sophisticated algorithmic techniques to diverse areas of computational biology, enabling progress on a large number of the most important and topical problems in this field, from human genome sequencing to immunology to computational genetics, genomics and biophysics, and henceforth to cancer genomics and somatic evolution.
Roded Sharan, Tel Aviv University

A  researcher in algorithmic bioinformatics who pioneered key methods in network biology, developed leading tools for gene expression and regulation analysis, advanced the methodology of cancer mutational signatures and had major innovations in medical bioinformatics.
Photo credit: Helmholtz Munich | Matthias Tunger Photodesign
Fabian Theis, Helmholtz Munich Computational Health Center

Pioneer in the fields of artificial intelligence in biomedicine and computational health research with major impact and contributions in the field of single cell genomics. His latest work includes the first integrated Single-Cell Atlas of the Human Lung.
Cathy Wu, University of Delaware

Recognized as a longtime leader in the field of bioinformatics, most notable for accomplishments is her leadership of the Protein Information Resource (PIR), the UniProt Consortium, and the Protein Ontology Consortium.
Jinbo Xu, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

For the discovery of computational methods and development of software programs that have revolutionized protein structure prediction. 
Jinghui Zhang, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital
For the development and application of innovative computational methods, which led genomic analysis of paediatric cancers defining the landscapes of more than 20 cancer subtypes, discovering novel targets, mutational processes, germline predisposition mutations and therapy-related clonal haematopoiesis, accelerating research and genomic data sharing to advance the diagnosis, treatment and surveillance of pediatric cancers and survivors. 
ISCB will be honoring the 2023 Class of Fellows during the ISMB/ECCB 2023 conference.

Congratulations, 2023 Class of ISCB Fellows!