Ontologies for Bioinformatics

ISBN: 0262025914

Author(s): Kenneth Baclawski and Tianhua Niu

Ontologies as a critical framework for the vast amounts of data in the postgenomic era: an introduction to the basic concepts and applications of ontologies and ontology languages for the life sciences.


1. Hierarchies and Relationships
2. XML Semantics
3. Rules and Inference
4. The Semantic Web and Bioinformatics Applications
5. Survey of Ontologies in Bioinformatics
6. Information Retrieval
7. Sequence Similarity Searching Tools
8. Query Languages
9. The Transformation Process
10. Transforming with Traditional Programming Languages
11. The XML Transformation Language
12. Building Bioinformatics Ontologies
13. Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning
14. Bayesian Networks
15. Combining Information
16. The Bayesian Web
17. Answers to Selected Exercises

Hardback, 440 pages, The MIT Press (October 1, 2005)

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