Mathematics of Genome Analysis

ISBN: 052152587X

Author(s): Jerome K. Percus

The massive research effort known as the Human Genome Project is an attempt to record the sequence of the three trillion nucleotides that make up the human genome and to identify individual genes within this sequence. While the basic effort is of course a biological one, the description and classification of sequences also lend themselves naturally to mathematical and statistical modeling. This short textbook on the mathematics of genome analysis presents a brief description of several ways in which mathematics and statistics are being used in genome analysis and sequencing. It will be of interest not only to students but also to professional mathematicians curious about the subject.

1. Decomposing DNA
2. Recomposing DNA
3. Sequence statistics
4. Sequence comparison
5. Spatial structure and dynamics of DNA

Paperback: 139 pages ; 1st edition January 15, 2002;Cambridge University Press