Exploring DNA Structure

ISBN: 0976384604

Author(s): Sandra Porter, Ph.D.

Paperback, 93 pages; April 2005, Geospiza, Inc.

Description: This laboratory manual provides a guide to using digital biology software for exploring the structure of DNA. It is designed to accompany the "Exploring DNA Structure" CD.


Explore the structure of DNA through the wonder of digital biology. This text contains several hands-on activities, accompanied by worksheets, to guide your exploration. Chapters are included on using Cn3D, a popular program for viewing molecular structures; techniques used for solving molecular structures; and on the history, discovery, and structure of DNA. This manual is designed to accompany the "Exploring DNA Structure" CD; however it can be used as a stand-alone guide for working with any DNA structures obtained from the Molecular Modeling database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Our goal, at Geospiza, is to make molecular biology accessible to all. Over 600 students and teachers from universities, community colleges, and high schools, have thoroughly tested and reviewed the activities in this manual and the accompanying CD. We have used the feedback from these studies to guide revisions and improve the content. We hope you agree with our reviewers and find these activities to be an enjoyable way to learn about DNA.

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