ISCBacademy Upcoming Webinars

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ISCBacademy is an online webinar series including the ISCB COSI, COVID webinars, Indigenous Voices and practical tutorials. We aim to inspire, connect, and communicate the science while providing a hands-on experience accessing and using newly developed bioinformatics tools while ensuring best practices for rigour and reproducibility.

IntelliGenes: AI/ML pipeline for biomarker discovery and predictive analysis
by Will Degroat, Rishabh Narayanan, Dinesh Mendhe, Zeeshan Ahmed

September 5, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT

In this tutorial, we present IntelliGenes, a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) pipeline to discover biomarkers significant in disease prediction with high accuracy. IntelliGenes is based on a novel approach, which consists of nexus of conventional statistical techniques and cutting-edge AI/ML algorithms using multi-genomic, clinical, and demographic data. By integrating these approaches, we outperformed single algorithms, resulting in enhanced accuracy, deeper insights, and more precise predictions, essential for personalized early disease-risk detection in individuals. IntelliGenes introduces a new metric i.e., Intelligent Gene (I-Gene) score to measure the importance of individual biomarkers for prediction of complex traits. I-Gene scores can be utilized to generate I-Gene profiles of individuals to comprehend the intricacies of ML used in disease prediction. IntelliGenes is user-friendly, portable, and a cross-platform application, compatible with Microsoft Windows, macOS, and UNIX operating systems. IntelliGenes not only holds the potential for personalized early detection of common and rare diseases in individuals, but also opens avenues for broader research using novel ML methodologies, ultimately leading to personalized interventions and novel treatment targets. We are proud to share that IntelliGenes is the first peer reviewed published AI/ML pipeline for biomarker discovery and predictive analysis using integrated clinical and multi-genomic profiles. It is recently published in the Bioinformatics journal by Oxford University Press and the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). [PMID: 38096588, and DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btad755].

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Understanding and curating Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: using DisProt, MobiDB, and PED in research and biocuration
by Maria Cristina Aspromonte, Damiano Piovesan, Alexander M. Monzon, Hamidreza Ghafouri, Frederica Quaglia, Maria Victoria Nugnes

January 14, 2025 at 9:00 AM EST

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are involved in a plethora of biological processes, yet their study requires specialized resources. This tutorial aims to introduce participants to three key resources in the field: DisProt (, MobiDB ( and the Protein Ensemble Database (PED) ( This session will provide insights into how these databases complement each other and their effective utilization in research. The tutorial will begin with an overview of the importance of studying IDPs, followed by general training on accessing and extracting data from DisProt, MobiDB, and PED. Participants will learn to navigate MobiDB to extract data and predictions of intrinsically disordered regions, and utilize PED to gain insights into the structural ensembles of IDPs. An exploration of how PED serves as a key resource for understanding the conformational diversity of IDPs will be included. A dedicated section will provide specialized biocuration training for DisProt, focusing on the curation process, structuring IDP-related data with ontologies, retrieving and defining IDP-related experiments, annotating states, transitions, and functions of IDPs, adhering to MIADE standards, and exploring thematic datasets and use cases in DisProt curation. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to utilize key IDP resources and with the skills to contribute to the expansion of DisProt, providing them with IDP-specific biocuration skills and giving them the opportunity to expand the resource for the scientific community

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