Final Hours to Submit to ISMB 2018! ISCB Buzz: Latest News, Events & Announcements
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NGS 2018 April 9 – 11, 2018 Barcelona, Spain |
RECOMB 2018 April 21 – 24, 2018 Paris |
ISMB 2018 July 6 – 10, 2018 Chicago, Illinois |
ECCB 2018 Sept 8 – 12, 2018 Athens, Greece |
FINAL HOURS to present your research at ISMB 2018!
We invite abstracts for research that is topical to bioinformatics and computational biology, which is new or in progress (unpublished, formally Late-Breaking Research) or has been published after January 1, 2017 (previously Highlights Track) for consideration for oral and/or poster presentation. review the Communities of Special Interest (COSI) Track information and submit to the COSI that most accurately reflects the area of the work.
Mark Your Calendars for InCOB18!
On behalf of the Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) and organizing partners, it is our great honour to invite you to join the 17th International Conference On BioInformatics (InCOB-2018), which will be held on 26-28 September, 2018 at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. Since 2002, InCoB has grown in its second decade to become one of the largest bioinformatics conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. This annual conference showcases the latest research and technologies in all areas of bioinformatics, and in recent years has been attended by practitioners from both biology fields and computing backgrounds in the Asia-Pacific region. As in the past, papers in the conference will be published in international, peer-reviewed journals, such as BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Systems Biology, BMC Genomics, Bioinformatics and PeerJ. Oral and poster presenters will have the opportunity to deposit their slides/posters with F1000 Posters.
Calling Principal Investigators to Host Internships!
The ISCB Student Council (ISCB-SC) is currently soliciting principal investigators (PIs) to host internships through the SC’s Internships Program. The program connects students in developing nations with PIs in developed countries to gain hands-on short-term research experience. These internships benefit the intern as well as the host lab both scientifically but also culturally. The program launched in 2009 and is committed to providing computational biology training for students from developing nations and improving competencies in the field. If you’re interested in hosting an internship or would like to know more about the internships program you can read our recently published article in PLOS Computational Biology [1], visit
ISCB Leadership Nominations and Elections
Call for nominations for Treasurer and Vice President, and for Board of Directors. Student Council Leadership positions for Chair, Chair-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and representative to the Board of Directors.
Only members can nominate; self-nominations are not allowed.
ISCB Art in Science
The ISCB Art in Science Competition is a way to show the beauty of science in art form. ISCB invites submission to the 2018 ISCB Art in Science competition. All interested members (hereafter referred to as "artists") may submit images that have been generated as part of a research project and other creative efforts that involve scientific concepts or employ scientific tools and methods. Learn more at
Register Now for RECOMB2018-DREAM Workshop!
The meeting will focus on proteogenomics, single cell systems biology and cancer epidemiology, and how crowdsourced science, data sharing and a culture of collaboration can help advance research in these fields. We will highlight the solutions of the top performing strategies in the Epidemium program in cancer epidemiology and the recent NCI-CPTAC Proteogenomics DREAM Challenge. We will also brainstorm as a community on the possibility of organizing a DREAM challenge on Single Cell Systems Biology, and have a RAMPChallenge Hands on Session. REGISTER NOW AT
Missing GLBIO this year?
We are too but very excited for GLBIO 2019 in Madison. In the meantime, take a look at the GLBio PLOS ONE Collection ( and we look forward to seeing you at ISMB 2018 in Chicago!
OUP Open Access Discount!
ISCB works closely with OUP Bioinformatics to reduce open access charges. ISCB is pleased to announce that OUP Bioinformatics will now offer a 15% discount on open access charges for all ISCB members. The discount will be applied after acceptance and requires author noting that he/she is an ISCB member. Not a member? Join today!
ISCB Journal Subscription Discounts - New Titles Added
All ISCB members interested in subscribing to print or online issues of traditional subscription-based journals receive a discount on subscriptions to the journals highlighted below. Student members are entitled to additional discounts, when available. To subscribe, log into My ISCB and select the Subscribe to Journal menu item located on the left-hand menu. Take advantage of this DISCOUNT and order your journal TODAY!
ISCB Career Center
The ISCB Career Center - Connecting you to your career! It is the place to post a job, search for a job, or upload your resume. Job posting and resume upload is complimentary for members. Nonmember may also participate for a nominal fee.
ISCB Membership:
Not yet a member of ISCB? Don't keep missing out on conference discounts, access to incredible science and so much more! Click here for all membership benefits and further details!
Shop while you Support ISCB on AmazonSmile:
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support ISCB every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to ISCB!
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