LGBTQ+ STEM Day July 5
ISCB is pleased to support the first annual LGBTQ+ STEM Day, July 5, a day of recognition for those in our community who may continue to struggle to openly be themselves and a day to help raise awareness and increase support for those working in STEM who are LGBTQ+. Organized by oStem, Pride in Stem, House of Stem and InterEngeering,LGBTQ+ STEM day will have formal events around the world. ISCB will be participating in a virtual nature using our social media outlets and the hashtag #LGBTSTEMDay. Join us in the discussion. There’s no such thing as too small a gesture to promote and support LGBTQ+ people in STEM. You can start by following and contributing to the #LGBTSTEMday hashtag on social media — share stories, images and videos of yourself or your role models — and help boost the visibility of other LGBTQ+ people in science, tech, engineering, and maths.
• Less than 60 percent of LGBTQ+ people in STEM are out
• Research shows that one in Three US Physicists have been advised to remain in the closet
• 50 percent of Trans/Gender Non-conforming people were harassed in their department
• LGB students are 10 percent less likely to enter a STEM career than heterosexual peers
You can help by following and contributing to the #LGBTSTEMDay hashtag on social media. Retweet and comment. Share stories, images and videos of yourself or your LGBTQ+ role models.
Help us boost the visibility and work of LGBTQ+ people in STEM.
Learn more about LGBTQ+ STEM Day at