Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

Day 2, Highlights & Recap!



Day 2: Highlights & Recap!


ISMB/ECCB 2021 Day 2 picked up right were Day 1 left off.  From Population scale analysis of human sequence data to Teaching the Instagram generation, it was another day filled with science and ideation.  Today's ISCBdaily is filled with track highlights and tips to enhancing your virtual conference experience.

Opening the day was the ISCB Town Hall Meeting (slide deck posted to ISCB booth), where attendees gathered to learn about the state of ISCB which is strong even in the face of these continued unprecedented times. Christine Orengo, ISCB President, gave a brilliant address thanking those who serve, recognizing the Society achievements, and highlighting her vision over the next three years.

Congratulations to all the ISCB Competition Winners:

2021 Wikipedia Winners
Nelly Selem Mojica & Erika Cruz, improvements to the Pan-genome
Tiago Lubiana, Biocuration
Wyatt Smith & anonymous user 'Sauxeris', Out-of-bag error
Nelly Selem Mojica, David Alberto García Estrada, Guillermo Rodríguez Guerrero, María Teresa Alvarez Zúñiga, Mario Jardón Santos, Camila Silva Gomez, Fernando Mauricio Rivera Vega, Hermes Bolivar-Torres, Tania Raquel Garibay Valladolid, Jacobo Sevillano Serrano, Richar Chacon Serna, Daniel Santana Quinteros, and the anonymous users 'JFCR07' and 'Gonzalo corlop', Machine learning in bioinformatics

Welcome Newly Elected Members of the Board of Directors
Bonnie Berger, MIT
Francisco De La Vega, Tempus Labs, Inc.
Laxmi Parida, IBM Research
Lucia Peixoto, Washington State University

Amazing work is being done by this group.  From Regional Student Group formation and collaboration, to assisting with placing interns.  The energy, commitment, and passion is contagious.

Well done, SCS 2021
Being held virtually again in 2021, the Student Council Symposium did not disappoint.  Over 200 participants from around the world gathers on Thursday and Friday to enjoy excellent keynotes, share their research and network with one another.  ISCB shows deep appreciation to Cleidy Osorio, Chair, and Victor Grentzinger, co-Chair, and the entire team, congratulating them on a job well done.

At the conclusion of the Town Hall, participants enjoyed nine scientific tracks, and capping off day 2 was a robust and engaging keynote address on Cells in Space: Methods to investigate local neighborhoods of cells delivered by the ISCB Overton Prize Keynote, Barbara Engelhardt.

COSI Recaps

Our first Hitseq session on Sunday 25th featured new methods for the analysis of genomes and transcriptomes using long reads. The adaptive sampling during nanopore sequencing by Weilguny allows optimal usage of sequencing effort and we discovered how Bionano long reads can be used to study the coupling of promotor and enhancers methylation. The statistics of kmers was for the first time discussed, new graph-based methods to assembly and compact genomes were presented and we learnt about the structure of the centromere with Olga Kunyavskaya. Our highlight was our keynote Angela Brooks who presented her lab's effort to characterize isoform changes in cancer using Nanopore and the LRGASP challenge for evaluation of long-read RNA sequencing methods.

The first day of the Evolution and Comparative Genomics (EvolCompGen) COSI featured 8 talks. The talks illustrated the broad use of phylogenetic trees and networks, such as calibrated species tree inference, individual cell lineage reconstruction, or admixture event inference. Consistent with the zeitgeist, we also witnessed creative uses of machine learning approaches for comparative genomics analyses—to speed up orthology prediction, to detect copy number variation, and to infer co-evolving genes from phylogenetic profiling. We look forward to days 2 and 3 of EvolCompGen! Join us on Cafe Connect and our new community Slack (https://bit.ly/evolcompgen)!
Career Center and Jobs Board
Looking for that perfect candidate?  Looking for a job?  Look no further than the Conference Jobs Board located at:

Cheat-Sheet Section/Platform Tips:
From time to time we may experience technical issues.  When in doubt, give the system a quick refresh!

Updating the Time zone
The ISMB/ECCB 2021 virtual platform is enabled with time zone localization to enhance usability.  In order to set the platform to your local time zone, click on "Full schedule" and then click on the dark grey "My Time Zone" box to ensure it is activated.  Once clicked, the box will darken in color and your schedule will automatically be viewed in your local time zone.

Struggling with UTC conversion - UK +1 CEST +2 EDT -4, CDT -5, MDT -6, PDT -7, AEST +10, Tokyo +9, Beijing +8

Don't forget you can video-chat & network with up to 15 people at the Café Connect “Roundtables” (https://ismbeccb2021.showcare.io/roundtables/).
*Roundtables are pre set up for each COSI (including BOSC), and you can also create your own roundtable!
Navigating the Platform
The ISMB/ECCB 2021 virtual platform is divided up into several areas:

• Sessions
• Full Schedule
• Research Exchange Forum which includes Exhibitors, Posters and Birds of a Feather sessions.
• Café Connect
• Your Personal Profile

You can always return to the main page by using Home Lobby button in the upper left or at the top of your screen. The left menu can be collapsed or expanded simply by clicking on the 3 bars on the top left corner. We recommend you take advantage of the in-platform tutorial at the bottom left called ‘Get Started’. This will walk you through not only your profile updates but other aspects of the platform as well.

Miss a talk?
• Go to Full Schedule in the left-hand menu
• Use the back arrow to see a previous day’s sessions
• Select a session and the session box will pop up
• Click on the title you wish to view
• This will take you to the on-demand recording

When in doubt, give the system a quick refresh!
*Live presentations such as COSI keynote talks, panels, and the Distinguished Keynotes are being processed and may take up to 48 hours to fully post.
Cast Your Ballot!
Members!!  Make your voice heard - Cast your ballot today!
ISCB Election - Polls are Open

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 27: Highlights & Reminders

11:00 UTC: COSI Tracks: HitSeq, 3Dsig, CompMS, EvolCompGen, Education, RegSys, BioVis, NetBio
11:00 UTC: Special Session New developments in AI for Integrating imaging and genomic data
11:00 UTC: NIH/ODSS Special Track
14:20 UTC: ISCB Public Affairs and Policy Session: Science Communication and Science Journalism
15:20 UTC: Research Exchange Forum for Birds of a Feather (BoFs)
15:20 UTC: Poster Session C: 3Dsig, BioVis, CompMS, Education, EvolCompGen, HitSeq, NetBio, RegSys, TransMed
15:20 UTC: 
Exhibitor Demos:  Exhibitor Demos: PerMedCoE, EMBL-EBI, GOBLET,
16:20 UTC ISCB Distinguished Keynote: Eduardo Rocha
17:20 UTC:
Daily Closing Comments

Thank you to our generous sponsors!


Harvard Medical School Department of Biomedical Informatics