Call for Tutorial Proposals Deadline: December 13, 2021
The purpose of the Tutorials program is to build knowledge and provide hands-on training in "cutting-edge" topics relevant to the bioinformatics field and the COSI communities. Tutorials offer participants an opportunity to get an introduction to important established topics in bioinformatics, to learn about new areas of bioinformatics research, or to develop advanced skills in areas about which they are already knowledgeable. Submit your proposal today!
Call for Proceedings Deadline: January 13, 2022
ISMB 2022 invites submissions of full papers (not abstracts) consisting of new, unpublished work, reporting theoretical, computational, and statistical advances in computational biology and its intersections with other fields.
Submit today!
What will the ISMB 2022 conference look like? We have waited patiently, carefully crafted our return to ensure a safe conference, and now we are ready to welcome you back face to face in 2022! ISMB 2022 will offer both in-person and virtual attendance. We welcome you to join us in Madison, Wisconsin, July 10-14 or virtually in our state of the art virtual interface. Your comfort level, your choice. Continue reading...