Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements


Check out the details below to see how you can be a part of ISCB-LATAM SOiBiO CCBCOL 2024 and contribute to the field of bioinformatics!


Proceedings Papers

Authors are invited to submit proceedings papers to ISCB-LATAM to be included in a special issue of Bioinformatics Advances featuring peer-reviewed articles from the ISCB-LATAM conference!

Paper Submission Deadline: Thursday, July 25


Oral and Poster Presentations

Scientists and professionals in bioinformatics and computational biology are invited to submit their high-quality original research for presentation at ISCB-LATAM!

Your abstract should highlight a scientific result and not serve as an advertisement for any commercial software package. You can see the list of topics here.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, September 6


Hoping for an Attendance Fellowship?

If you’re seeking an attendance fellowship, submit your abstract by Monday, August 5 for consideration!

Click the button below to find more information on proceedings papers and abstract submissions, and to submit your work to ISCB-LATAM!

Submit Now!
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