Benefits Galore!

Have you noticed over the past couple of years how ISCB has been enhancing its benefits package with more and more useful, cool stuff? You have Reinhard Schneider, ISCB’s Treasurer since 2009, to thank for that. When he stepped into the Treasurer’s role he was tasked with making membership more compelling to our community, and his efforts to do just that have been tireless.

The key components your ISCB membership now offers are the following…

Knowledge bank: journals; conferences; multimedia content; community news feeds

Web tools: Google apps, including email address

Across the board savings: on journal subscriptions, conferences, books, long-term membership options

Community connectivity: blog live from ISCB conferences; get active with the student council; submit nominations for awards, honors and future leaders; connect with affiliates; network with local member community

Travel fellowships: benefit from travel fellowship opportunities for students and post docs

Professional advantage: use the jobs database to your advantage; develop your own leadership skills to serve our community; contribute financially or by volunteering your time to ISCB activities.

In addition, the Student Council has been building an outstanding benefits package for leadership and soft skills training opportunities geared specifically for students and young researchers.

Do you need more? Please let us know what additional benefits you would like to see in the future. Write to with your suggestions or requests.