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Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations - EuroConference on Analytic Difference Equations, Special Functions and Quantum Models on the Lattice
Finland - Helsinki

Hosted by: EURESCO Office, European Science Foundation
Venue: Kallvik Conference Centre
Dates: Jun 19, 2004 through Jun 24, 2004

This meeting is the second in a series of two devoted to discrete systems and their integrability and symmetries (the first took place in Giens, France, 2002). This second conference will emphasise linear and nonlinear special functions, associated quantum problems and geometry.
The topics covered in this meeting will include: Analytic difference equations and spectral theory; Difference bispectral problems; Difference Galois theory; Q-hypergeometric and elliptic modular functions; Representation theory and orthogonal polynomials; Algebraic curves and addition formulae of Abelian functions; Discrete and quantum geometry; Quantum models on the lattice; Quantum mappings.

Chair: Jarmo Hietarinta (FI, Turku University, FI)
Vice-Chair: Frank Willem Nijhoff (NL, Leeds University, UK)

Invited spaekers: K. Aomoto (Nagoya, JP); R. Askey (Wisconsin-Madison, US); A. Bobenko (TU Berlin, DE); A. Doliwa (Warsaw, PL); S. Elaydi (Trinity, San Antonio, US); V. Enolskii (Heriot-Watt, Edinburg, UK); L. Faddeev (Steklov, St. Petersburg, RU); A. Grunbaum (Berkeley, US); L. Haine (Louvain, BE); M. Ismail (U. South Florida, US); T. Koornwinder (Amsterdam, NL); I. Krichever (Columbia, US); I. Laine (Joensuu, FI); F. Marcellan (U. Carlos III, Madrid, ES); M. Noumi (Kobe, JP); O. Ragnisco (Roma Tre, IT); J.-P. Ramis (U. Paul Sabatier, FR); V. Roubtsov (Angers, FR); S. Ruijsenaars (CWI, NL); P. Santini (Roma La Sapienza, IT); M. van der Put (Groningen, NL); J. Felipe van Diejen (Talca, CL); P. Vanhaecke (Poitiers, FR); A. Zhedanov (Donetsk, UA).

Deadline for applications: 19 March 2004
Additional Information
Event URL: http://www.esf.org/euresco/04/pc04185
ISCB Member Discount: None

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