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EMBO Conference Series: Chromatin and Epigenetics
Germany - Heidelberg

Hosted by: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Venue: EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Dates: May 06, 2015 through May 10, 2015

The principal theme and objective of this conference series is to provide a forum for the state-of-the-art in chromatin, epigenetics and epigenomics research to the international community. The conferences provide a focal point for people to present their current research and exchange ideas in a European venue. The organising team assembles top speakers covering the newest advances in the field, with an emphasis on including young PIs and incorporating diversity in every sense (gender, geography etc).
We aim to include cutting edge technologies for approaching the biological questions of the topics listed above. As the field moves towards the analysis of epigenetic phenomena at the single-cell level, the use of automated robotic platforms, e.g. for high-throughput single cell bisulfite-sequencing, coupled with quantitative computational techniques, is becoming ever-more important. We plan to highlight these new developments with a session concentrating on new technologies available for the study of epigenetics and chromatin biology. The pluridisciplinary angle of this meeting should be most stimulating for the international community.
Additional Information
Event URL: http://www.embl.de/training/events/2015/CHR15-01/index.html
ISCB Member Discount: None

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