8th Brazilian Student Council Symposium - Bioinformatics Training and Education | |
Brazil - BA - Salvador |
Hosted by: | ISCB RSG-Brazil |
Venue: | Deville Prime Hotel |
Dates: | Jun 11, 2024 through Jun 14, 2024 |
Call for Abstracts Presentations: | 2024-02-27 through 2024-05-31 |
Event Registration: | 2024-02-27 through 2024-06-07 |
Description |
The ISCB Regional Student Group - Brazil (RSG-Brazil), since its reactivation in 2015, plays a crucial role in the development of the next generation of computational biologists inside its community, with also a representative impact inside the Latin America (LA) region. The Brazilian Student Council Symposium (BR-SCS) is the flagship event of RSG-Brazil. This student event is unique in that it presents an opportunity for students to exhibit their work in a highly visible place of the Brazilian bioinformatics community and at the same time bring important themes for the training of future professionals. The first editions of the BR-SCS were integrated into the national agenda of the computational biologists community: the X-meeting, produced by AB3C (https://www.ab3c.org.br/site/) - Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. However, the past three editions had to be held virtually due to the pandemic scenario of SARs-Cov (2020-2023), also, allowing us to reach a more diverse audience of students. Focused on engaging new students and increasing the audience of our delegates, the 8th BR-SCS will return to the main room, preceding the X-meeting, in a hybrid format, tackling the challenges to overcome limitations of in-person conferences such as geographic localization, economic costs, and other related challenges. The RSG-Brazil which has had its own Education Committee (EduCom), since 2019 leads the group activities using standards by the ISCB Education COSI. In 2023, after a careful evaluation, the EduCom elaborated seven essential topics in bioinformatics training and education based on the ISCB Core Competencies guidelines, which comprises: a) Knowledge in Biology; b) Methods in Statistics and Data Science; c) Knowledge of Computing and Interdisciplinary Programming in the area; d) Ethical Implications and Repercussions of Bioinformatics in Society; e) Usability of Bioinformatics; f) Bioinformatics Communication and g) Continuum development in Bioinformatics. In its 8th edition, the BR-SCS will address the challenges around Bioinformatics Education, cross-evaluating the past 20 years of the bioinformatics training curricula in Brazil, with the seven essential topics elaborated by EduCom. Don’t miss out this exciting journey through knowledge. Stay tuned and join us in this celebration. Call for Poster: https://easychair.org/cfp/8th-brscs-education Conference Registration: https://tinyurl.com/23udm5ct |
Additional Information | |
Event URL: | http://rsg-brazil.iscbsc.org/ |
ISCB Member Discount: | TBA |
Contact Person: | Nilson Coimbra - Program Chair ([javascript protected email address]) |
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