Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide


Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: from Molecules to Cells to Organisms
United States - Hawaii - The Big Island

Hosted by: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Venue: Fairmont Orchid Hotel
Dates: Jan 04, 2008 through Jan 08, 2008

Call for Proceedings Presentations: 2007-04-16 through 2007-07-16
Call for Posters: 2007-04-16 through 2007-11-09
Travel Fund Apps: 2007-08-01 through 2007-09-24
Event Registration: 2007-08-01 through 2008-01-03
Developing tools, techniques, algorithms, and mathematical theory to integrate modeling and simulation from the micro to the macro-scale is important in biocomputing. This session aims to foster the interactive environment for researchers working on different scales of biological problems, so that more collaborations and activities to bridge multi-scales will be initiated.


We cordially invite submissions of papers or abstracts that will address modeling activities focused on a particular system level or encompassing multiple levels. Submission topics can include, but not limited to:

Physics-based simulations at all scales

* Methods for making the connection between continuum macroscale models (e.g., fluid) and discrete molecular phenomena (e.g., molecular behavior)
* Model reduction and systems identification for multiscale dynamical systems
* Algorithmic tools for multi-scale modeling systems using optimization and simulation in time and space
* Mesoscale methods to bridge microscales and macroscales
* Multiscale simulation of biochemical networks
* Finite-element method for molecules, cells, tissues, and organs
* Functional coupling within a scale

* Protein dynamics and conformational changes
* Coarse-grained model for biomolecules
* Molecular biology of ion channels and transporters
* Protein-protein interaction networks
* Molecular mechanism of disease

* Excitation-contraction coupling and mechanoelectric feedback in normal and diseased cells
* Metabolic and neurohumoral regulation of excitation-contraction coupling
* Cellular force transmission
* Motility and cytoskeletal dynamics

Tissue, organ, organisms
* Tissue mechanics
* Cardiovascular systems modeling
* Dynamic simulation of neuromuscular systems
* Patient-specific modeling
* Cardiac resynchronization therapy


Jung-Chi Liao
Stanford University

Peter Arzberger
National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR)

Roy Kerckhoffs
University of California San Diego

Anushka Michailova
University of California San Diego

Jeff Reinbolt
Stanford University


The core of the conference consists of peer-reviewed full-length papers reporting on original work. Accepted papers will be published in a hard-bound archival proceedings, and the best of these will be presented orally to the entire conference. Researchers wishing to present their research without official publication are encouraged to submit a one page abstract to present their work in the poster sessions.


All papers and abstracts must be submitted to psb-submit@helix.stanford.edu in electronic format. THE FILE FORMATS WE ACCEPT ARE: POSTSCRIPT (*.PS) AND ADOBE ACROBAT (*.PDF). Attached files should be named with the last name of the first author (e.g. altman.pdf).

Each paper must be accompanied by a cover letter. The COVER LETTER MUST STATE the following:

* The email address of the corresponding author.
* The specific PSB session that should review the paper or abstract.
* The submitted paper contains original, unpublished results, and is not currently under consideration elsewhere.
* All co-authors concur with the contents of the paper.

Submitted papers are limited to 12 pages in our publication format. Please format your paper according to instructions found at http://psb.stanford.edu/psb-online/psb-submit/. Color pictures can be printed for a fee of $500 per page of color pictures, payable at the time of camera ready submission.

Contact Russ Altman (psb-submit@helix.stanford.edu) for additional information about paper submission requirements.
Additional Information
Event URL: http://psb.stanford.edu/cfp-multiscale.html
ISCB Member Discount: None

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