Thank you for your interest in posting a job to the ISCB website. All current year ISCB members have job posting privileges, and can go straight to to begin the posting process.
If you would like to post a job with us but are not a current year member you have three options:
1) Become a new member of ISCB, or renew an expired membership, for between $25 to $127 (depending on your geographic location), and have access to job postings for 12 months from the date of membership as often as needed, with no limit on the number of postings. (If you choose this option, please join us using the "Membership" section and then, after successful registration, re-login on the membership page to select Manage Job Postings from the User Menu on the left of the page).
2) Gain permission from anyone within your organization who might be a current member to access the ISCB job site with membership login and password, and then for the instructions in #1 above to begin the posting process.
3) As a non-member you may pay to post a job. Mail all the information of the job posting (see details below) and a check for $300 US Dollars made payable to ISCB to:
Suzi Smith, Executive Administrative Coordinator, International Society for Computational Biology, c/o FASEB, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 02814 USA
If you would like to email the information and pay by credit card please contact Suzi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a credit card authorization form.
Required Job Posting information:
- Position Type (Faculty, Post Doc Research Fellowships, Industrial &
- Commercial or other)
- Position Title
- Organization
- Dept
- Location (city, state/province/region, country)
- Duration (full time, part time, contract or temporary)
- Start Date
- Company URL
- Job Description
- Job Qualifications
- Reference or job # (if applicable)
- Contact Person
- Email Address
- Telephone #
- Fax #
- Method of Applying (i.e. fax resume)
Each job will be posted for 90 days and each posting from a non-member will require a $300 payment; every 4th posting for the same organization in a 12 month period is free.