ISCB Education Committee
The Education Committee promotes worldwide education and training in computational biology by providing guidance and support for educational resources and community activities.
ISCB is a founding member of the Global Organisation of Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training (GOBLET,, which aims to coordinate worldwide bioinformatics training activities. GOBLET was established to provide a global, sustainable support and networking structure for bioinformatics educators and trainees, to facilitate capacity development in bioinformatics in all countries, and to develop standards and guidelines for bioinformatics education and training. GOBLET and the ISCB Education committee are working on a number of joint projects.
The ISCB Education Committee and GOBLET joined together in 2014 to form the ISCB Education COSI. A major goal of this Community of Special Interest is to foster a collaborative community in which bioscientists can share bioinformatics education and training resources and experiences, and facilitate the development of education programs, courses, curricula, etc., and teaching tools and methods.
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