ISCB Africa ASBCB 2013 - Call for Papers and Posters
Dear ISCB and ASBCB Members and Colleagues,
A reminder that submissions for the ISCB Africa ASBCB 2013 Conference on Bioinformatics are now being accepted. This is the third joint meeting of ISCB and ASBCB, and takes place from March 13th -15th in Tunis, Tunisia. The meeting will include topics of general interest in bioinformatics, with a special focus on the bioinformatics of African pathogens, vectors, and human genetics. We especially welcome abstracts on the bioinformatics of diseases relevant to Africa, and with the new Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) initiative the genetics focus is particularly relevant and timely.
Submissions of papers are due by October 24th, and poster abstracts are due by December 12th. Please visit the conference submission guidelines and follow the links to submit your paper or poster today.
Pre-conference optional events are planned for March 11th and 12th, including a variety of Training Workshops and Tutorials such as EBI Roadshow training, EMBnet eBioKit workshops, LIRMM and EMBL instructor-led introduction to Phylogeny, and a full day session on deep sequencing. For more details on these events please check the conference website frequently to watch for updates as they become available.
A limited number of travel fellowships will be made available to students from African research institutions. Additionally, a grant proposal has been submitted to a U.S. agency that, if awarded, would help fund American students to attend. Information on eligibility and application procedures will be posted to the conference website as soon as full details are known. Early registration will be offered at discounted prices, and all ISCB and ASBCB members will enjoy significant savings.
Don't delay in submitting your paper or poster (or both!) today. We hope to welcome you to Tunisia in March!
Yours sincerely,
Alia Benkahla
ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference Chair
Dan Masiga
ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference Program Committee Chair