Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

ISCB Congratulates the 2022 Class of Fellows
The ISCB Fellows program was created to honor members who have distinguished themselves through outstanding contributions to the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. Begun in 2009, 2022 marks the 13th anniversary of the program. Each December, ISCB seeks Fellows’ nominations from our members who meet the eligibility criteria for significant scientific and leadership contributions to the field of computational biology and bioinformatics.
This year we received many outstanding nominations, each considered carefully by the Fellows Selection Committee members. We are pleased to announce the eleven nominees elected to be this year's Fellows.
Barbara Bryant, Senior Director of Bioinformatics, Constellation Pharmaceuticals

For her foundational efforts in shaping ISCB, specifically crafting the early advocacy efforts of ISCB.
Sean Eddy, Professor, Harvard University; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

As a founder of modern biological sequence analysis, elected for his fundamental algorithmic contributions, but also for contributing to broader conversations about genomics and the role of "big science" in biology and medicine.
Fran Lewitter, Founding Director, Retired, Bioinformatics and Research Computing Department, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

For her tireless advocation for bioinformatics education and training on behalf of ISCB and the field of bioinformatics and computational biology.
Mikhail Gelfand, Professor Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology; Laboratory Head at Institute for Information Transmission Problems

A pioneer of comparative genomics, elected specifically for his work on gene recognition in eukaryotic genomes that led to the first spliced alignment algorithm for gene finding and to the prediction of an unexpectedly high frequency of the alternative splicing in human genes.
Takashi Gojobori, Distinguished Professor of Bioscience, Acting Director at the Computational Bioscience Research Center (CBRC), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

For his development of key methods in molecular evolution, coining the term "nonsynonymous substitution" and co-developing the Nei-Gojobori method for estimating the ratio of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per non-synonymous site.
Trey Ideker, Professor, Departments of Medicine, Bioengineering, and Computer Science, University of California, San Diego 

Recognized for his pioneering work in network biology, specifically applications of network methods to study phenotypes in model organisms and human diseases including cancer, as well as the development of the widely used Cytoscape software for network analysis and visualization. 
David Jones, Professor of Bioinformatics, University College London; Director, Bloomsbury Centre for Bioinformatics

A pre-eminent researcher in protein sequence and structure prediction, most notable for his major contributions in protein structure prediction (THREADER & PSIPRED), automatic rapid derivation of new Dayhoff matrices (PET91), covariation analysis of sequence data (PSICOV); the classification of protein folds (CATH) and tools to predict disordered regions and membrane proteins (DISOPRED & MEMSAT).
Jun Liu, Professor of Statistics, Harvard University

As an influential leader in Bayesian statistical modeling and computation
with seminal contributions in the theory and method of Markov Chain Monte Carlo and sequential Monte Carlo, which have been created and applied to scientific problems such as motif discovery and cancer genomics, and for his development of widely used tools in bioinformatics and data science.
Debora S. Marks, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Recognized for her state-of-the-art approaches exploiting deep learning to predict pathogenicity of human genetic variation, her use of AI technologies and mathematical approaches for biotherapeutic design, and her development of statistical methods that combine theory and computation to extract information from genomic datasets, with recent focus on novel Bayesian deep generative modelling strategies for a wide range of biological applications.
Mihai Pop, Professor, Department of Computer Science Director, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
University of Maryland, College Park

A leader in the development of algorithms for analyzing metagenomic data, particularly in the context of metagenome assembly and identification of structural variants in assembly graphs, and for his important contributions to large community projects.
Reinhard Schneider, Head of Bioinformatics Core Facility, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB); Professor, University of Luxembourg

Recognized for his significant foundational contributions to both ISCB and the broader bioinformatics communities, specifically the establishment of the ISCB Student Council, the introduction of the ISCB web portal, and the formation of multi-year ISCB membership options. 
ISCB will be honoring the 2022 Class of Fellows during the back to in-person ISMB 2022 hybrid conference.

Congratulations, 2022 Class of ISCB Fellows!