Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
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ISCB News and Announcements

Call for Tutorial Proposals for ISCB-LATAM 2024!

Tutorials not only foster collaboration and growth within the bioinformatics community, but they play a pivotal role in the conference experience, offering participants an opportunity to delve into cutting-edge topics, acquire new skills and hands-on training, and to engage with emerging trends in bioinformatics.

Whether you're an experienced presenter or considering sharing your knowledge for the first time, we welcome tutorial proposals from all backgrounds and expertise levels!

 Submit your tutorial proposal today for a chance to take part in ISCB-LATAM 2024 in Medellín, Colombia!

Tutorial proposals are due by Monday, June 3.

Submit Now

Submitting a Tutorial Proposal

Comprehensive details are available on the ISCB-LATAM Tutorials page, but below are the basics for submitting your tutorial proposal.

 Tutorial proposals should contain the following information in a maximum of 4 pages:

  • Title of Tutorial

  • Abstract for Tutorial

  • Learning Objectives for Tutorial

  • Short promotional blurb for promotion if selected

  • Maximum number of attendees participating

  • Draft Schedule of the tutorial including coffee breaks (half-day or full-day schedule); include draft talk titles or draft content to be covered in each section

  • Identify and highlight blocks of hands-on content in your submission

  • Draft List of Tutorial Speakers with titles and affiliations

  • Intended audience and level. Describe the audience for which the Tutorial is aimed, and at which level it would be taught (e.g., beginner, past experience, advanced knowledge).

 The final proposal must be uploaded as a PDF file only.

During the submission process, be sure to provide a brief description of the tutorial that will be used on the website to promote it to delegates, and to confirm that if selected, you will submit draft and final tutorial materials for committee review by the listed deadlines.

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