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Rocky 2016 Program Book

14th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference


(All sessions will be held at the Snowmass Convention Center CC)

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Go directly to: [Friday - December 9] [Saturday - December 10]
WEDNESDAY – December 7, 2016
04:00 pm 06:00 pm REGISTRATION in the lobby of the Westin
THURSDAY – December 8, 2016
08:00 am 06:00 pm Registration
08:00 am 09:00 am Breakfast
09:00 am 09:45 am Keynote 1
Joshua M. Stuart, PhD
UC Santa Cruz

The Blue-prints of Tumors Uncovered Through Network Integration
> Click here for details <
09:45 am 09:55 am OP 01
IndeCut: A Cut-norm Based Method for Evaluating Independent and Uniform Sampling in Network Motif Discovery Algorithms
Mitra Ansariola

Oregon State University, Corvallis
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
09:55 am 10:05 am OP 02
Reproducible Computational Workflows with Continuous Analysis
Brett Beaulieu-Jones
University of Pennsylvania
10:05 am 10:15 am OP 03
Application Ontologies Supporting Phenotyping from Clinical Text
Wendy Chapman
University of Utah
10:15 am 10:25 am OP 04
SPARQLer: Making Knowledge Functional
Daniel McShan
University of Colorado School of Medicine
10:25 am 10:45 am Break
10:45 am 11:15 am Keynote 2
Renee Deehan Kenney, PhD
Head of Biology and Bioinformatics

Measuring Disease Through Real World Evidence and Biological State: Impact For Patients (and Animal Models, too)
> Click here for details <
11:15 am 11:25 am OP 05
Improved Network Ontology Analysis by Segmentation
Ananda Mondal
Claflin University
11:25 am 11:35 am OP 06
An Image Phenotyping Environment Based on Open-Source Tools
Brian Chapman
University of Utah
11:35 am 11:45 am OP 07
InterViewer, a new Cytoscape-based viewer that displays interactions between selected sets of proteins
Marek Tutaj
Medical College of Wisconsin
11:45 am 11:55 am OP 08
CAMSA: a Tool for Comparative Analysis and Merging of Scaffold Assemblies
Max Alekseyev
George Washington University
12:00 pm 04:00 pm -->Ski Break
04:00 pm 04:30 pm Keynote 3
Marco Masseroli, PhD
Associate Professor
Politecnico di Milano

Next Generation Genomic Computing
> Click here for details <
04:30 pm 04:40 pm OP 09
Analysis of Tobacco Users Admitted to Intensive Care Units
Andrey Soares
University of Colorado School of Medicine
04:40 pm 04:50 pm OP 10
A new molecular signature approach for prediction of driver cancer pathways from transcriptional data
Boris Reva
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
04:50 pm 05:00 pm OP 11
Computational analysis of breakome reveals replication fork movement and elucidates mechanisms of DNA double-stranded break formation
Maga Rowicka

University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
05:00 pm 05:10 pm OP 12
HRC3 – A new class of motifs involved in chromatin organization and development
Andrzej Kudlicki
University of Texas Medical Branch
05:10 pm 05:30 pm Break
05:30 pm 05:40 pm OP 13
Network Inference and the Knowledge Base of Biomedicine
Tiffany Callahan
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
05:40 pm 05:50 pm OP 14
ShinyLearner: Enabling biologists to perform robust machine-learning classification
Stephen Piccolo
Brigham Young University
05:50 pm 06:00 pm OP 15
Stratification of prostate cancer patients based on molecular interaction profiles
Roland Mathis

IBM Research
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
06:30 pm 09:30 pm Dinner - Il Poggio
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FRIDAY – – December 9, 2016
08:00 am 06:00 pm Registration
08:30 am 09:00 am Breakfast
09:00 am 09:45 am Keynote 4
Laura K. Wiley, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Precision Medicine and the Learning Healthcare System: Leveraging Informatics to Improve Care
> Click here for details <
09:45 am 09:55 am OP 16
Medication Data Mining of Electronic Medical Records Reveal Race-Specific Prescription Patterns
Benjamin Glicksberg
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
09:55 am 10:05 am OP 17
Comparative analysis of the expression patterns and regulation of histone variant genes reveals a novel epigenetic pathway related to cancer
Michael Tolstorukov
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
10:05 am 10:15 am OP 18
The Cognoma Collaborative creates a webapp to predict cancer mutations from gene expression
Daniel Himmelstein
University of Pennsylvania
ROCKY slidesSlides are available here:
- Slides
- Video
10:15 am 10:25 am OP 19
Functionally prioritizing candidate genes from genome-wide association studies
Kelsey Anderson
University of Colorado School of Medicine
10:25 am 10:45 am Break
10:45 am 11:15 am Keynote 5
Alan Williams, PhD
Chief Informatics Officer

Data Analytics and the SOMAscan™ Proteomic Platform
> Click here for details <
11:15 am 11:25 am OP 20
Deriving Population-Scale Therapeutic Trajectories to Enable Precision Pharmacology
Kipp Johnson
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
11:25 am 11:35 am OP 21
Comparison of Relief-F Nucleotide Differences For GWAS Data With Application to Bipolar Disorder
Marziyeh Arabnejad Khanouki
University of Tulsa
11:35 am 11:45 am OP 22
ModEvo: A Web-Based Tool for Modeling Evolutionary Dynamics
Filip Jagodzinski
Western Washington University
11:45 am 11:55 am OP 23
Predicting Neural Fluctuations in the Primary Visual Cortex
William Kindel

University of Colorado School of Medicine
12:00 pm 04:00 pm -->Ski Break
04:00 pm 04:30 pm Keynote 6
Temple F. Smith, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Boston University

Current Insights into the Evolution of the Genetic Translation System and the Genetic Code Itself
> Click here for details <
04:30 pm 04:40 pm OP 24
De novo protein structure prediction by big data and deep learning
Sheng Wang
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
04:40 pm 04:50 pm OP 25
Identifying the mechanism for the metastatic spread of breast cancer through integration of gene expression, whole genome sequencing and functional screens
Eran Andrechek
Michigan State University
04:50 pm 05:00 pm OP 26
Allelic Maps of Cancer
Anelia Horvath
George Washington University
05:00 pm 05:10 pm OP 27
Identifying non-specific effects of small molecule treatment through GSEA meta-analysis
Rani Powers

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
05:10 pm 05:30 pm Break
05:30 pm 05:40 pm OP 28
Insights into Bathyarcheota Ecology and Co-occurrence Patterns as Revealed by Public Metagenome Sequencing Data
David Banks-Richardson
University of Colorado -Denver
05:40 pm 05:50 pm OP 29
The SNPPhenA Corpus: An annotated research abstract corpus for extracting ranked association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and phenotypes
Hamidreza Chitsaz
Colorado State University
05:50 pm 06:00 pm OP 30
Toward a Metric Learning Model for Protein Fold Recognition Using a Novel Feature Extraction Technique Based on the Mixture of Evolutionary and Secondary Structural Information
Pooya Zakeri
1)KU Leuven. 2)iMinds
06:30 pm 08:30 pm Poster Session
- Poster abstracts
- Poster list
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SATURDAY – – December 10, 2016
08:00 am 11:00 am Registration
08:00 am 09:00 am Breakfast
09:00 am 09:30 am Keynote 7
Krista Meyer, PhD
Director of Proteomic Analysis
Biodesix: Making Medicine Personal®

Leveraging Biology to Guide Feature Enrichment for Designing Multivariate Classifiers for Clinical Tests
> Click here for details <
09:30 am 09:40 am OP 31
Development of a diagnostic to profile eukaryotic microbes of the human microbiome
Ana Popovic
Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
09:40 am 09:50 am OP 32
G4 quadruplexes in and near regulatory elements of maize genes predict tissue type and altered transcriptional and translational response to submergence and heat stress
Mingze He
Iowa State University
09:50 am 10:00 am OP 33
Modeling heterogeneous cell populations using Boolean networks
Brian Ross
University of Colorado
10:00 am 10:10 am OP 34
Enhancer Reprogramming in Mammalian Genomes
Mario Flores
10:10 am 10:20 am OP 35
The Finite State Projection based Fisher Information Matrix for the Design of Single-Cell Experiments
Zachary Fox
Colorado State University
10:20 am 10:40 am Break
10:40 am 10:50 am OP 36
2-Scale KNN Classifications
Destiny Anyaiwe
Oakland University
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
10:50 am 11:00 am OP 37
Best practices for reproducible and robust data analysis in a bioinformatics core facility
James Denvir
Marshall University
11:00 am 11:10 am OP 38
The Affinity Data Bank for biophysical analysis of regulatory sequences
Todd Riley
University of Massachusetts, Boston
11:10 am 11:20 am OP 39
Pattern-based estimation of the extent of explicit contradiction in the scientific literature
Elizabeth White
University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
11:20 am 11:30 am OP 40
Towards Highly Accurate Mapping of Protein Glycosylation Sites in the Human Proteome
Chen Li
Monash University
ROCKY slidesClick here for slides (pdf).
11:30 am 11:50 am Keynote 8
Kirk E. Jordan, PhD
Chief Science Officer
IBM Research UK

Data Centric Cognitive Computing: IBM’s Direction, Workflow Challenges and Opportunities

> Click here for details <
11:50 am 12:00 pm Closing Raffle and Awards

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