Registration to the Youth Bioinformatics Symposium is open to any interested middle school and high school student. A basic knowledge of biology is helpful but not required.
Registration is free but MANDATORY for both the student and the parent/guardian.
Children under 18 MUST be accompanied by their parent/guardian. Parents/guardians will need to register separately for this event.
Registration is open to 150 Students and 150 Parents/Guardians. All additional registrants will be placed on a wait list and contacted closer to the event.
Program Schedule:
Parking: Please review Location & Parking for event and parking locations. There is about a 5-10 minute walk from Mason Pond Parking Deck to Innovation Hall. Please plan accordingly. Food: A small morning and afternoon snack break as well as lunch will be provided for the students. There are also several food outlets available, for individual purchases, inside of the Johnson Center.
Workshops: All workshops will take place in Innovation Hall. For more information regarding the workshops please review the information here.
Please start your morning off by stopping by the registration desk, between 9am-10am, in the lower lobby of Innovation Hall to pick up your badge.