Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

Abridged Agenda

Program is in EDT. Program subject to change without notice.

Start Time End Time Session
13:00 13:05 Welcome
13:05 14:00 Keynote - Dr. Francis Ouellette
14:00 15:00 Explore Student Council Symposium Posters - learn what university-level research projects look like and get the opportunity to talk to current PhD research students
15:00 16:00 Tutorial - Finding and Analyzing Genetic Data to Study Evolution: Multi-Sequence Alignments and Phylogenetics 
16:00 16:15 Snack and stretch break
16:15 17:15 Tutorial - Introduction to Python
17:15 17:30 Student Challenge Winner Showcase and Closing Remarks

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