{ C O N T E N T S }
volume 6, issue 3

President’s Letter

ISMB 2003


SGI Awards

Sponsorship Opportunities

Rocky 1


ISCB Staff Introduction

Strategic Planning

Government Relations

Special Interest Groups



PSB 2004

Book Review


Events and Opportunities

Newsletter Homepage

Download Newsletter pdf

News & Events Forums on the ISCB Website

You may now submit your bioinformatics conferences, events, and news directly to the ISCB website. Kudos to staff programmer Kyle Wright, who created the forms and supporting databases to enable the sharing of relevant news, conferences and events with all visitors to the site.

Upcoming conferences and events can be submitted at www.iscb.org/events_post.php, while news of a new product, publication, collaboration opportunity, fellowship program or any other information such as might be distributed in the form of a press release can be submitted at www.iscb.org/news_post.php. All submissions will be reviewed by ISCB staff to ensure appropriate content prior to posting to the conferences or news pages of the website. Events will remain posted on the site until five days after the start of the event, and news will remain for 90 days from the date of posting.

In addition, all visitors to our site are encouraged to link to the new ISCB Forums at forums.iscb.org. Numerous subject areas welcome your online input in an effort to address issues of importance and the diverse perspectives of members of our bioinformatics community. We look forward to your input soon!