ISMB 2006 Heads to Brazil!

The conferences committee, along with the ISCB Board of Directors approved a proposal submitted last year by Goran Neshich of EMBRAPA, to hold ISMB in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, August 6 – 10, 2006. This will be the Society’s first conference in South America, and we are thrilled to report that the local Brazilian team is working to ensure a scientifically superior conference in a stellar destination that will attract bioinformaticians from all the far corners of the world.

For hundreds of years, Brazil has symbolized the great escape into a primordial, tropical paradise, igniting the Western imagination like no other South American country. From the mad passion of Carnaval to the immensity of the Amazon, it is a country of mythic proportions and staggering beauty, with stretches of unexplored rainforest, pristine tropical beaches, and endless rivers.

And there are the people themselves, who delight the visitor with their energy and joy. Among the people of Brazil, the bioinformatics community has recently produced several complete genomes, significant and ever rising contributions to molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics.
This is the site where we are preparing to receive you for ISMB 2006!