Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

Highlights Submissions Close
ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics
Online Registration Closes
Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO 2015)
Oral Presentations Close

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International Society for Computational Biology
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MC 0505
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ISCB Buzz:  Conference Updates, The ISCB Annual Report, Precision Medicine Initiative & The FAceS Project Survey

ISCB Africa 2015 Agenda Now Available!
Join your colleagues for this 3 day conference featuring over 35 research presentations including 5 outstanding keynote speakers!  Register today for non-stop networking, training & learning!

ISMB/ECCB 2015 Call for Posters!
ISMB/ECCB 2015 will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including molecular biology, biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. We are soliciting high-quality research posters in any aspect of computational biology.  Submit your poster today to become part of this dynamic conference!  Poster Submission deadline is March 12!

Abstract Deadline Approaching for GLBIO 2015
GLBIO is currently soliciting abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the 10th Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference, an official conference of the International Society for Computational Biology. This call is an invitation to scientists and professionals working in the fields of Bioinformatics and computational biology to submit high quality, original research for presentation at GLBIO 2015.

Hot off the press: The 2014 ISCB Annual Report!
Through the amazing work of volunteers, ISCB is able to continue to be the world's largest international society for computational biology, bringing its members a plethora of opportunities to network and present their science.  The 2014 Annual Report highlights the accomplishments of this great organization.

The DREAM9.5 Challenges
We are pleased to announce that the DREAM Olfaction Prediction Challenge, the first of the DREAM9.5 Challenges is now open for participation. This Challenge focuses on predicting behavioral responses to a panel of odors, and features a first-of-its-kind dataset.

The FAceS Project Survey
As part of the FAceS project (www.faces.wi.tum.de/), the Chair for Strategy and Organization (Prof. Isabell M. Welpe) at the Technische Universität München, Germany, is currently conducting a survey about publication practices and performance measurement in science. To attain representative knowledge about publication practices and performance measurement across different countries and disciplines (e.g., biology), we are particularly interested in your assessment and specifications on this topic. Participation in this survey will take approximately 20 minutes. Participants will be offered the chance to participate in the raffle for an iPad mini. Upon request, we will be happy to send you a summary of the results of the survey.





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