Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide


Links within this page: Registration Benefits | Registration Fellowships | In-Person Registration Fees | Virtual Registration Fees | Africa SCS | ISCB Membership | Code of Conduct | Media Release Statement | Tutorials | Conference Proceedings | Cancellation Policy | Controlled Access to Meeting Content

Register Now
Be sure to log in before registering if you are a member.

The safety of conference participants is ISCB’s top priority. Please take a moment to review the Health and Safety Protocols at https://www.iscb.org/iscb-policy-statements/iscb-health-and-safety-protocols, which outline the right of entry requirement to the conference.

Registration and Hotel Deadlines
*subject to change without notice

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Registration Benefits

Registration for the ISCB-Africa ASBCB 2025 conference is for the full conference. Participants can choose to register to join live at the Lagoon Beach Hotel & Conference Center in Cape Town, South Africa or virtually. Live participants will have access to the virtual platform - ISCB Nucleus, the ISCB center for science, collaboration, and training.

ISCB-Africa ASBCB 2025 Registration includes the following conference benefits:

  • Live sessions with on-demand recordings to benefit attendees from all time zones
  • Live question and answer feature to engage with the speaker during sessions
  • Live chat feature to engage with other participants within your session room
  • Ability to make new connections when utilizing the virtual attendee profile and match maker features
  • Schedule one-on-one time with speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors, and sponsors to learn more about their work, products, or services
  • Exclusive access to the ISCB-Africa ASBCB on-demand repository of talks and poster presentations for viewing at your leisure after conference dates through ISCB portal
  • Access to training workshops (registration required, first come first served, additional fees apply) on April 17 - coffee breaks included
  • Coffee breaks are included for the conference April 14 - 16 to all participants

Registration Desk Hours (In-person)
*subject to change without notice

Monday, April 14, 2025 07:30 – 17:30
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 08:00 – 17:00
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 08:00 – 17:00
Thursday, April 17, 2025 08:00 – 15:00

Registration fees are in USD for all in-person and virtual registrations. Certificates of participation will be available on-line following the conference for registered delegates who actively participated.

For a variety of reasons, ISCB/ASBCB strongly prefers that scientific research accepted for oral presentation be presented in-person at the conference venue. We understand that some presenters will have valid reasons to avoid in-person attendance. ISCB/ASBCB will grant remote presentation options for reasons associated with maternity/paternity leave, care for a family member, personal/medical disability, sickness, financial hardship, or potential visa problems. If your research is accepted for oral presentation and you are unable to present in person, ISCB/ASBCB requires notification at the time of acceptance and no later than March 28, 2025You will be asked during your confirmation of participation to confirm your in-person participation. If unable to participate you will need to request a waiver by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Talks will be broadcast live through the virtual platform for participants.

All virtual talk presenters will be required to provide a pre-recorded talk in advance of the conference. The pre-recorded talk will be used in case of any unforeseen circumstances that prevent a live presentation by the presenter.

We require that in-person presenters upload, at minimum, a pdf or an mp4, but prefer you upload both so that our virtual attendees get the most from your work.  This also serves to extend the life of your work so that all attendees are able to watch it on-demand after the conference. Virtual presenters are required to upload both.

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Registration Fellowships

ISCB/ASBCB is working hard to secure funding to offer conference (travel and registration) fellowships to any member in good standing with priority going to students and postdoctoral fellows from Africa to attend the conference. Fellowship consideration is based on membership, accepted work to the conference, and country economic status based on World Bank rankings.

Be sure to log in before registering if you are a member.

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In-Person Registration Fees

You can verify your country tier and ISCB membership rate by using this calculator: https://www.iscb.org/dues-calculator

(in-person individual)
Before March 22, 2025 Starting March 22, 2025
Student $185.00 $200.00
Post-Doc $185.00 $200.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $285.00 $305.00

ISCB/ASBCB now offer group registrations!  The Group PI must have a Professional, Laboratory, or Institutional membership to ISCB.  They are charged at same rate as a Professional Member, but all other members of the group register at a discount.  Minimum group size 3 (group PI and 2 others).  NOTE: Group registrations are charged to a single registrant (the group admin), be sure to confirm your institution's regulations and procedures about reimbursement of third party payments.

(in-person group)
Before March 22, 2025
Starting March 22, 2025
Group PI $285.00 $305.00
Discount for Institutional/Laboratory PI (minimum 2) 12.5% 12.5%
Discount for Professional PI (minimum 2) 10% 10%

Not an ISCB/ASBCB member? To take advantage of more savings, become a member of ISCB prior to or during the registration process. This will save you more! We welcome you to join during registration or select the non-member registration rate for ISCB-Africa ASBCB 2025 which will include a complimentary 1-year membership to both ISCB and ASBCB.
Learn more about ISCB Membership Fees at: https://www.iscb.org/become-a-member

Before March 22, 2025 Starting March 22, 2025
Student $200.00 $255.00
Post-Doc $200.00 $255.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $305.00 $375.00

Register Now
Be sure to log in before registering if you are a member.

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Virtual Registration Fees

You can verify your country tier and ISCB membership rate by using this calculator: https://www.iscb.org/dues-calculator

(virtual individual)
Student $80.00
Post-Doc $80.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $140.00

ISCB/ASBCB now offer group registrations!  The Group PI must have a Professional, Laboratory, or Institutional membership to ISCB.  They are charged at same rate as a Professional Member, but all other members of the group register at a discount.  Minimum group size 3 (group PI and 2 others).  NOTE: Group registrations are charged to a single registrant (the group admin), be sure to confirm your institution's regulations and procedures about reimbursement of third party payments.

(virtual group)
Group PI $140.00
Discount for Institutional/Laboratory PI (minimum 2) 12.5%
Discount for Professional PI (minimum 2) 10%

Not an ISCB/ASBCB member? To take advantage of more savings, become a member of ISCB prior to or during the registration process. This will save you more! We welcome you to join during registration or select the non-member registration rate for ISCB-Africa ASBCB 2025 which will include a complimentary 1-year membership to both ISCB and ASBCB.
Learn more about ISCB Membership Fees at: https://www.iscb.org/become-a-member

Student $140.00
Post-Doc $140.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $275.00

Register Now
Be sure to log in before registering if you are a member.

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Africa SCS

A one day event showcasing student submissions, reviewed and selected by the ISCB Student Council

Member Rate Non-Member Rate
Student $15.00 $25.00
Post-Doc $15.00 $25.00
Professional: Academic; Non-profit; Government; or Corporate $15.00 $25.00

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ISCB Membership

ISCB Membership Fee Chart available here

ISCB Members

If you are a current member of ISCB, you must use the email address registered with your ISCB membership record in order to register at the discounted member rates through the online system. If you do not know the email address you used to register with ISCB, please use the help function at: http://www.iscb.org/iscb-forgot-your-password

Non-Members of ISCB

Save money by becoming a member of ISCB during registration.

ISCB Membership Renewal

If your ISCB membership is not current or will expire on or before April 17, 2025, you will be offered an opportunity to renew your membership as part of your registration fees through the online system.

Payment Options

ISCB-Africa ASBCB 2025 conference fees are charged in USD. The following credit/gift cards are accepted for registration: MasterCard and Visa.

Wire Transfer or Cheque

Last day to pay by wire or check Ends on March 30, 2025 - after this time only Credit Card payment is accepted

Delegates wishing to pay using a wire transfer will select “pay by wire” on the Additional Options page and the Payment page during registration to create an invoice. Wire transfer information will be found on the summary page once registration is complete, as well as at the bottom of their PDF invoice.

Please note that any bank fees must be paid by the participant. Should funds arrive with bank fees deducted, payment of the difference will be charged to the participant at on-site registration.

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Code of Conduct

The ISCB Code of Conduct for ISCB Conferences is available here.

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Media Release Statement

ISCB intends to take photographs and video of this event for use in ISCB news, media, and promotional material, in print and electronic, including the ISCB website and social platforms. By participating in this event, you grant ISCB the right to use any image, photograph, voice or likeness, without limitation, in its promotional media and publicity efforts without compensation. You release ISCB, its successors, assigns, and agents from any liability of any nature and understand that media may be displayed, distributed, or used by ISCB for any purpose. All media becomes the eternal property of ISCB under CC-BY4.0.

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Cancellation Policy

Special offer: For delegates registering no later than March 17, 2025, you are eligible for a full conference refund at any date prior to the opening day of the conference should your plans change. No cancellation fee applies.

Requests for registration cancellation must be made in writing and emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to April 1, 2025, and will be refunded, less a $50.00 administration fee. No refunds are available after April 1, 2025.

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Controlled Access to Meeting Content

Only registered participants will have online access to the conference while it is live, and for 6 months afterwards, through the virtual platform. Presenters are asked to provide permission to ISCB to keep and, separately, to share the recording of their talks.  Any recordings for which ISCB was granted permission to keep the recording will be available to registered participants via the virtual platform for so long as it is open.  Only those presentations for which ISCB has permission to share the recordings will be posted to our YouTube channel and the Nucleus Content Library.  This permission can be updated at any time.

For questions about registration contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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