With multiple concurrent tracks, there's not enough time to catch everything you want to see. Worry not! Presentations are recorded unless the presenter explicitly denies us permission to do so.
Videos are available to conference registrants through the virtual platform (Juno) at the end of the day the presentation was given and posters are always open in the Virtual Poster Theater. Entire session recordings will be loaded to the On-Demand section of the conference page and attendees will have to find the talk they wish to view within that session recording. Once we parse out the individual talks they will replace the master recording for that session. Unfortunately, a timeline for this cannot be provided as there are too many uncontrollable variables and ISCB has limited staff.
The virtual platform for a conference stays live for 6 months, but only to registrants for that conference. At the 6 month mark, the virtual platform is taken down and the videos are released on our YouTube channel and the Content Library on Nucleus, provided we have permission from the presenter to share it. Both of these resources are open to the public.
ISCB acts to ensure it is compliant with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To this end, we cannot share any recordings until we have express permission from the copyright holder of the recording under Creative Commons 4 License (CC BY-4.0). Permissions are first collected with the confirmation of participation form required to be submitted by all presenters. If you have given a talk at an ISCB conference but cannot see the video in the associated playlists, be sure you have filled out the permission form allowing us to share it. The forms are conference specific and listed on the ISBCtv page. If you have any questions about your recording please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Navigating YouTube
The playlists section of our YouTube channel shows the overview of playlists for various events (i.e. ISMB, ISCB-LATAM, ISCBacademy, etc.), but an event doesn't show all the playlists within it simply by looking at the screen. If you click on the title of that event, for example "ISMB and ISMB/ECCB Playlists" it loads all of the playlists we have available for that event. You then have to scroll to the bottom (which can take scrolling to the bottom of the page to load more playlists multiple times) and you'll see the most recent playlists. There's also the channel search tool on the top right, just click on the magnifying glass icon.
The videos section of our YouTube channel shows the videos in order of release date by default; if you scroll to the bottom of the listed videos the page will load more videos. Every video has the presentation title, presenter(s), conference, year, and track in the video description so you can search for any of them using Ctrl+F as well as YouTube's search function.
Navigating Content Library on Nucleus
The top of the content library contains a search bar. Any term(s) entered into the search bar will be searched for within presenter names, content titles, and content abstracts for a match. This bar automatically updates as you type so there may be load time while you complete your terms. Note that this search is progressively word-order dependent. This means that search terms are applied in a series from left to right. For example "genome assembly" will filter out all content that matches "genome", then filter those results for content matching "assembly".
Every video is also tagged with relevant tags that can be applied using the Filter button, located to the right of the search bar. These tags are grouped by category to help narrow down the filtering process. Tag filtering will return results with any of the selected tags. If no tags are selected then there is no tag filtering applied.
If you have any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..