Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB Innovation Forum


Sign up now for the ISCB Innovation ForumThe ISCB Innovation Forum is a unique and productive opportunity for industry to contribute in a sustained manner to the ISCB mission and to gain prominence in its expert and influential constituency. We look to the ISCB Innovation Forum to provide our corporate and industry partners the opportunity to influence directly and actively the future of ISCB and its growing membership.

The mission of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) is to be the leading professional society for researchers, practitioners, technicians, students, and suppliers in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics. ISCB is dedicated to the advancement of life science research, the dissemination of knowledge in the field, and the responsible preparation of the next generation of experts. By building the networks and bridges necessary to support research developments by passionate groups of researchers from a variety of backgrounds, we believe that the ISCB enables computational biology and bioinformatics to transform and accelerate basic biological research.


The ISCB Innovation Forum recognizes corporations and industry groups with the highest level of commitment to the mission and programs of ISCB.

The activities of the Innovation Forum offer unequaled opportunities for the constituencies it represents, including the following examples:

A Forum for dialogue on timely issues of interest to the entire field, thus affording an opportunity to maintain an open dialogue with other industry professionals and ISCB leaders on strategic priorities and timely issues in computational biology, bioinformatics, and related fields.

The design and implementation of workshops important to the members and industry in general: Innovation Forum members will receive exclusive access to workshops and programs specifically developed by the Industry Platform that address the most relevant needs of the group.

Opportunities for unmitigated collaboration: Through its open dialogue, the stakeholders identify areas of collaboration that can advance computational sciences, translate key research findings, and address challenges facing the global community.

Access to and guidance of tomorrow’s leaders: Forum’s member contributions to ISCB will support travel fellowships for student and post-doctoral researchers to attend ISCB official conferences held worldwide.

By joining the Innovation Forum and supporting ISCB your organization gains access to an international community of researchers and decision makers not available in any other forum. The trans-disciplinary focus of this community – as opposed to groups defined by a single field, method, or discipline – offers a robust audience assembled from the preeminent academic, industrial, and governmental institutions, as well as non-profit labs, functioning in more than 70 countries.

Innovation Forum Annual Membership Fee:



Each Innovation Forum member will receive the following basic benefits and a select number of enhanced benefits from the list below:

• Opportunity to name a representative to the ISCB Innovation Forum Council (Sustaining and Supporting Only)
• Opportunity to Participate as a member of the ISCB Innovation Forum Roundtable
• Opportunity to assist ISCB in developing workshops and webinars for the Innovation Forum and membership at large
• Exclusive access to special workshops and events developed by and for the Innovation Forum
• Year round print and online exposure, including recognition on the ISCB website, in ISCB publications and at ISCB events, including the flagship conference, ISMB
• Complimentary listing on ISCBmarketplace (virtual exhibition hall)

Enhanced Benefits Selection:


12 choices
8 choices
4 choices

• Three complimentary ISCB memberships with full benefits (limit 3)
• Two member-priced registrations for ISCB official conferences (limit 3)
• Complimentary registration to ISCB official conference (each registration is one choice option, limit 5)
• 50% discount off technology talk at an ISCB official conference of member’s choice (limit 2)
• 50% discount off booth rental fee at an ISCB official conference of member’s choice (limit 2)
• Unlimited job postings to the ISCB career center ($350 savings per post)
• Full-page advertisement in ISCB publications or meeting programs

Looking for additional benefits not list, please contact us to customize your package - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Additional specific features of the program:

• Your grant to ISCB supports the activity of the Society and 20% of your unrestricted contribution will be designated to travel fellowships issued to student and post-doctoral scholar members.
• ISCB will hold an Innovation Forum roundtable event at ISMB annually. The Roundtable is conducted by the ISCB Industry Advisory Council, which has a liaison representative to the ISCB Board of Directors to offer advice and counsel from an industry perspective to ISCB leadership. The Roundtable also assists ISCB to maximize satisfaction of the program.
• Partners may appoint one representative to participate on the Roundtable.
• The ISCB staff will share regular updates on partnership opportunities and Society education and advocacy activities via email to all industry supporters.

Participating in the ISCB Innovation Forum will follow the guidelines set forth in the adopted ISCB Guidelines for Corporate Sponsorship.
