Links in this page: Guidelines | Submit an Abstract | Abstract Review Criteria
Submit a Paper | Paper Review Criteria
Abstract Submission Guidelines for Late-breaking
Poster Presentations
We invite abstracts for research that is topical to bioinformatics and computational biology, which is in progress (unpublished, Late-Breaking Research).
Research may be presented as a poster. Having the same person deliver two (or more) different abstracts is possible, but discouraged; this allows for wider engagement of researchers. Note that an author may only present one poster.
The presenter should be identified during the submission process. Presenters of accepted abstracts are required to present themselves and must register and pay to attend the conference.
Submitters may choose to have their submission reviewed for: “talk and poster” or “poster” only. If you select “talk and poster” and are not accepted as a talk your work will automatically be reviewed for a poster presentation.
Please note the following:
- All abstracts must be submitted using the conference submission site by the abstract deadline: September 15, 2018 (You have until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time Zone).
- Accepted abstracts (maximum 250 words) will be posted on the conference web site.
- The abstract should be a brief and concise summary of the background/motivation for the study, method and result(s), as well as conclusion/statement of significance.
- For authors requesting a talk an additional one (1) page PDF long abstract should also be uploaded during the submission process to provide greater detail on the topic and can include tables and graphics. *Do not submit more than one page*
- This additional 1-page pdf can be used to provide details of the METHODS and RESULTS ONLY, as well as figures and graphics that support the main points of the abstract.
- Your abstract must NOT contain your title/position or any personal information (e.g. affiliation).
Abstract: Review Criteria
All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the program committee. Posters or talk request advertising commercial software will be rejected as there is a separate space for such abstracts within the conference in the technology track and within the posters in the exhibition area. If you have an industry poster or technology talk you want considered, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
ISCB-LA SoIBio EMBnet 2018 invites posters for consideration for presentation at the conference. Original research, including significant works-in- progress (published on or after January 1, 2017) are solicited in all areas that involve the application of advanced computational methods to significant problems in biology or medicine. While we encourage submissions in new and emerging areas, we expect that the majority of submissions addressing topical biological domains will fall into one of the areas below.
- Algorithms & Machine Learning
- Big Data Storage, Management and Processing
- Bioinformatics Education
- Biostatistics
- Cheminformatics
- Clinical & Health Informatics
- Data Science
- Databases, Ontologies & Biocuration
- Disease Models & Molecular Medicine
- Epidemiology & Biodiversity
- Evolutionary & Comparative Genomics
- Gene Regulation & Transcriptomics
- General Computational Biology - novel techniques and intersection with other fields
- Genome Informatics
- Image Analysis
- Informatics of infectious disease
- Metagenomics & Microbiome Informatics
- Macromolecular Structure & Function
- Network Biology
- Phylogenetics/Phylogenomics
- Proteomics & Metabolomics
- Sequence Analysis
- Synthetic Biology
- Systems Modeling
- Structural Bioinformatics
- Text Mining & Natural Language Processing
- Visualisation
ISCB-LA SOIBIO EMBnet 2018 Paper Submission Guidelines
Deadline has passed.
ISCB-LA SOIBIO EMBnet 2018 invites paper submissions reporting theoretical, computational, and statistical advances in computational biology and its intersections with other fields.
Submissions are encouraged to report on advances in algorithm development and optimization, data structures, data visualization, artificial intelligence/machine learning, text mining, statistical inference, database and ontology development, image analysis, citizen and open science, etc. to analyze all types of biological data.
Authors will be able to identify relevant topics during submission. Three reviews will be sought for every submission. Papers may be moved between topics as deemed appropriate by scientific program chairs to balance the reviewer load and improve topical fit. Authors of accepted papers will be offered a possibility to present a summary of their work at the conference. All presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes including 3-4 minutes for discussion. The authors will also have the option to have their papers published in BMC Genomics or BMC Bioinformatics at their own expense.
Papers can be submitted in either a template-free format or following a template of the BMC Genomics journal. The paper length must not exceed nine pages. If template-free format is used the length of the paper must not exceed 12 pages (single space, 12 point font), including abstract, figures, tables, and bibliography. In either case, the paper must contain an abstract whose length does not exceed 250 words.
If absolutely necessary, submissions can be accompanied by supplementary material, similar to submissions to scientific journals. The supplementary material should be collected in a separate file that is appropriately marked and uploaded as an attachment on the paper submission page in EasyChair. However, in general, we advise against adding supplementary material.
Papers should be submitted in their final form since the evaluation procedure does not allow for additional rounds of refinement/modification in response to referee criticisms. Poor quality submissions or insufficiently prepared papers are very often rejected. Paper presenters must register and pay to attend and present at the conference.
Paper: Review Criteria
Papers submitted for review to the proceedings/paper track should represent original, previously unpublished work. At the time the paper is submitted to ISCB-LA SoIBio EMBnet 2018, and for the entire review period, the paper should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal. Please note that conference presentations, posting on recognized preprint servers (such as Arxiv, Biorxiv and PeerJ preprints), or posting on a personal or employer's website do NOT constitute prior publication.
Submissions will be subject to two rounds of reviews, allowing the authors to reply to the reviewer comments. In the first round the submissions will be classified into three categories: (a) accept/minor changes, (b) major changes, and (c) not accepted. Papers in the first category will be accepted without a second round of review. Authors of submissions in the second category will be given the opportunity to submit revised drafts based on the reviewer comments, with letters of reply to the reviewers outlining the main changes and/or giving counter arguments to the reviewer points. We expect the majority of papers to fall in categories (a) and (c), with category (b) reserved for papers that the reviewers identified as strong but with substantial issues that need to be addressed. Among the resubmitted papers, the second round of review will select the most suitable papers for presentation and publication.
Deadline for papers submission is Monday, July 2, 2018 at 23:59 (11:59 pm) Pacific time. Paper will be accepted electronically, in PDF format only. *No extensions are granted*