Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
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ISCB-LA SOIBIO EMBnet 2018 | Nov 5 – 9, 2018 | Viña del Mar, Chile | TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS



Links on this page: Cabana Travel Fellowships (Deadline Sept. 15) | US Army/US Army RDECOM Travel Fellowships (Deadline Sept. 21) | PLoS Travel Fellowships (Deadline Sept. 21)

Cabana Travel Fellowships

The GCRF-funded CABANA project is delighted to offer travel fellowships of up to US $1000 for researchers to attend the ISCB-LA-SoIBio-EMBNet Conference. The fellowships are open to scientists at any stage of their career. Early-stage researchers and researchers from minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Elegbility Criteria

Your place of work must be a Latin American country, excluding Chile (the host country).
You must register to attend at least one tutorial/workshop and the main conference. You must present a poster or a talk to remain eligible.

How to Apply

 Before applying for a travel fellowship;

  • Please register for the conference, including the tutorial(s) of your choice. Choose the invoice option and let us know if you cannot pay up front.
  • Please submit your abstract (for oral or poster presentation) or a paper and make a note of the submission reference.
  • When you’ve done that, apply here.

Deadline for applications is Midnight UTC on September 15th.


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US Army/US Army RDECOM Travel Fellowships

The ISCB-LA EMBnet SoIBio Joint Conference is pleased to offer travel fellowships for students and postdoctoral fellows to present a talk or poster at the conference in Vina Del Mar, Chile.  Funding sources for Travel Fellowships are very limited and we regret that we are not able to fund all applicants. The conference organizers are committed to providing support to as many eligible applicants as possible. Travel Fellowship consideration is based on need and accepted work to the ISCB-LA EMBnet SoIBio Joint Conference.


Application Overview

  1. Applicant must be listed as an author and be the presenter of an accepted Oral or Poster presentation (including Late Posters)
  2. Applicant must submit their talk title and EasyChair submission number when completing the application
  3. All applicants must attend all three (3) conference days and secure additional funding from other sources in order to be able to cover the full costs of attending the conference
  4. The deadline to submit a fellowship application is September 21, 2018, by 5:00 Eastern Time. No
    exceptions will be made.

ISCB-LA EMBnet SoIBio Joint Conference generously thanks


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PLoS Travel Fellowships

PLOS is pleased to offer a travel fellowships for a student and postdoctoral fellow to present a talk or poster at the conference in Vina Del Mar, Chile.  The fellowship will be in the amount of $750 USD and a complimentary registration.  Travel Fellowship consideration is based on need and accepted work to the ISCB-LA EMBnet SoIBio Joint Conference.


Public Library of Science

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