Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB Membership

ISCB Multi Year and Lifetime Membership Categories

ISCB multi year and lifetime memberships offers As an alternative to the single year membership ISCB has always offered, we are now also offering the option of a multiple-year membership for up to 5 years from the date of registration, or a lifetime membership that will never expire. Beginning in 2016 ISCB now offers a discount to members that purchase multi-year memberships. (2 years-5%; 3 years-10%, 4 years-15%; 5 years-20%)

The following restrictions apply to the multi-year and lifetime membership categories:

  • Multi-year and lifetime membership categories are only available at the Professional level, and are offered among the registration options after selecting Professional as the membership category.
  • All the membership benefits of the one-year membership category apply to the multi-year and lifetime membership categories.
  • The ISCB will invoice additional charges in cases where a member moves to a country in a higher dues category. The according country list is available on the ISCB portal site.
    • The additional membership fees will be calculated on a yearly pro rata base.
    • The ISCB will not refund fees for the reverse case where a member moves to a country in a lower dues category.
    • A change in the economy classification of a country by the World Bank in a subsequent year will not result in a change in dues for the duration of existing multi-year or lifetime memberships.
  • The multi-year and lifetime memberships are non-refundable in the event of a membership cancellation at any time after purchase.
  • ISCB will cover costs in cases where the ISCB adds benefits to the general membership package (provided with the one-year membership) and which generate additional internal costs to the ISCB (e.g. additional sponsored journal subscriptions).

Multiple Year Membership Dues A person may become a multi-year member by making a single payment equivalent to the current one-year membership dues multiplied by the number of years (maximum 5 years):

2 year membership

Twice the current Professional level dues rate and a 5% discount (up to $276 based on dues as of 2025)

3 year membership

Three times the current Professional level dues rate and a 10% discount (up to $392 based on dues as of 2025)

4 year membership

Four times the current Professional level dues rate and a 15% discount (up to $493 based on dues as of 2025)

5 year membership

Five times the current Professional level dues rate and a 20% discount (up to $580 based on dues as of 2025)

Lifetime Membership Dues
A person may become a lifetime member by making a single payment of dues determined by age at the start of the membership registration or renewal according to the following schedule:

A. Emeritus, Age 65 or above

Three times the current Professional level dues rate (up to US$435 based on 2025 dues)

B. Age 60 - 64

Five times the current Professional level dues rate (up to US$725 based on 2025 dues)

C. Age 55 - 59

Ten times the current Professional level dues rate (up to US$1,450 based on 2025 dues)

D. Age 50-54

Fifteen times the current Professional level dues rate (up to US$2,175 based on 2025 dues)

E. Age 45-49

Twenty times the current Professional level dues rate (up to US$2,900 based on 2025 dues)

F. Age 40-44

Twenty-five times the current regular Professional level dues rate (up to US$3,625 based on 2025 dues)

G. Age <40

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for an estimate of fees

A lifetime member is subsequently relieved of the obligation of paying dues, except in the case of movement to a country in a higher dues category, as noted above. The status and privileges are those of current Professional members.

To join or renew now with a multi-year or lifetime membership, please start here: