Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements


The GIW 2023 and ISCB-Asia VI conference will bring together leading experts in the fields of bioinformatics computational biology, health informatics and biomedical data science to discuss and present the latest research in these areas. The conference will also feature workshops, tutorials, keynote lectures and panel discussions. This conference is a great platform for researchers, academics and professionals to share their knowledge and experience for the advancement of the field. 

Conference Information

Call for Submissions:

Become a part of this prestigious conference and submit your research for abstract submissions. 

Deadline: 15 August 2023 

Abstract Submissions
Conference Programme
Keynote Speakers

Be honest – what do you think of ISCB?

Dear Colleague,

Start this week off right and help ISCB help you.  

Are you a member of ISCB or considering joining us? We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! By completing our membership survey below, you can help us improve our services and better understand the needs of our members. Your opinion matters to us, and we want to ensure that we are meeting your expectations and providing the best possible experience. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete, and your responses will remain confidential. 

Thank you in advance for your valuable input!
Take the Survey Now

Unleash Your Force: Register Today & Secure Your Spot at the Cutting-Edge ISMB/ECCB 2023! 

The conference’s rigorous focus on computation and methodology coupled with outstanding biology is a must attend event of the year!  ISMB/ECCB 2023 in collaboration with SFBI (https://www.sfbi.fr/) will spike your curiosity and deliver the latest research in the field.  
Register today to connect, collaborate, & engage!
Register to Attend

Submit your Late-Breaking Poster!

Don't miss this chance to present your research that is topical to bioinformatics and computational biology, which is in progress (unpublished, formerly Late-Breaking Research) or previously published within the last 18 months (previously Highlights Track)

Deadline: May 18, 2023
Late Breaking Research Submissions

Sign the Pledge

ISCB is committed to sustainable environmental practices within its organizational operations as we plan and execute Society’s programs. You can help our efforts by taking the ISCB Green Pledge. To pledge your commitment, sign the pledge form, download the ISCB Green Pledge, and track your progress as you attend this conference. Participants will be recognized during the conference and automatically entered into a prize drawing.
Sign the Pledge

Sustainable Conference Travel Award

The ISMB/ECCB 2023 Sustainable Conference Travel Award aims to promote sustainable travel to scientific meetings by rewarding delegates who show environmentally friendly travel to attend the ISMB/ECCB 2023 Conference in Lyon, France.  Submit your entry by describing how you are planning to make your trip different and more sustainable.
ISMB/ECCB 2023 Sustainable Conference Travel Award

ISCB Dependent Care Award

ISCB recognizes that many of our members have personal care responsibilities that can present a challenge to attending scientific conferences, and hence interfere with career advancement. We also recognize that you know best how to care for your own dependents and what their needs are. Accordingly, ISCB will make available up to $600 to at least 10 eligible candidates (and as many eligible candidates as allowed by available funding) to be used towards expenses that will facilitate the member’s attendance at ISMB/ECCB 2023.
ISCB Dependent-care award to attend ISMB/ECCB 2023
Conference Information
Distinguished Keynotes
Book Your Hotel

Get ready for a customized sponsorship experience!

This is not cookie cutter sponsorship, we don’t sell packages, we sell results based on your KPIs.  We’re here to offer custom, multiyear sponsorship opportunities for your community. Creating partnerships that mutually benefit you and ISCB. Contact Veronika Hotton, to discuss how we can tailor your ISCB sponsor journey!
ISCB Sponsorship Program

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

COSI Series Webinars:

May 2, 2023 at 11:30 AM EDT - A systematic search for RNA structural switches across the human transcriptome by Matvei Khoroshkin, University of California San Francisco - Hosted by iRNA and RNASociety

May 9, 2023 at 1:00 PM EDT - Creating genome-wide maps of identical repeats that can mediate complex genomic rearrangements in the human genome by Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, National Autonomous University of Mexico - Hosted by JPI

May 16, 2023 at 11:00 AM EDT - PRECISE MICROBIOME GENOMICS TO PRECISION MEDICINE by Ami S Bhatt, Stanford University - Hosted by MICROBIOME

June 27, 2023 at 11:00 AM EDT - Learning to understand life: how to gain knowledge of complex living systems (from a limited number of samples) by Sanne Abeln, Utrecht University - Hosted by TransMed
Practical Training and Tutorials:

There are no tutorials scheduled at the moment, check back regularly or suggest a presentation.
ISCBacademy webinars are offered as a free service to all ISCB members and Non-Members. To access the webinar you need only log in to ISCB Nucleus.

*Practical Training & Tutorials require pre registration due to the limited spots available.

To propose a talk for an ISCBacademy Webinar click here.
Register Today!

ONE DAY LEFT - Submit your research today!

Deadline: TOMORROW, April 20, 2023 (Any Timezone)
*CAMDA Deadline: May 18, 2023
3DSIG • Bio-Ontologies • 
BIOINFO-CORE • BioVis • BOSC: Bioinformatics Open Source Conference • CAMDA • CompMS • 
Education • Equity-focused Research • Evolution and Comparative Genomics • Function • 
General Computational Biology • 
HitSeq • iRNA • MLCSB• 
MICROBIOME • NetBio • RegSys • 
SysMod • Text Mining • TransMed • 
• Special Session: Bioinformatics in France (Posters Only) • Special Session: HFSP Symposium (Posters Only) 

Can’t find your home COSI?  ISCB welcomes submissions for all research in computational biology and bioinformatics.  Simply submit to the general computational biology track above for oral and poster presentation consideration. 
Abstract Submissions
Register today & join us in Lyon, France!
The conference’s rigorous focus on computation and methodology coupled with outstanding biology is a must attend event of the year!  ISMB/ECCB 2023 in collaboration with SFBI (https://www.sfbi.fr/) will spike your curiosity and deliver the latest research in the field.  
Register today to connect, collaborate, & engage!
Register to Attend

Showcase your Technology!

Showcase your software and/or hardware relevant to the bioinformatics / molecular biology community and submit to the technology track at ISMB/ECCB 2023!

Deadline: May 04, 2023
Tech Track Submissions
Conference Information
Book Your Hotel

Get ready for a customized sponsorship experience!

This is not cookie cutter sponsorship, we don’t sell packages, we sell results based on your KPIs.  We’re here to offer custom, multiyear sponsorship opportunities for your community. Creating partnerships that mutually benefit you and ISCB. Contact Veronika Hotton, to discuss how we can tailor your ISCB sponsor journey!
ISCB Sponsorship Program

Final days to submit your nomination for ISCB Board of Director Positions! 

ISCB Board of Directors Nominations Deadline: April 20, 2023

ISCB Officer Nominations Deadline: June 9, 2023

ISCB is encouraging members to submit nominations for the Society’s leadership - Board of Directors and open Officer positions.  Nominations are submitted at www.iscb.org/nominate (you must login to your membership record to access the nomination form). In all cases, self-nominations will not be accepted.

The 2023 Officer positions to be elected are Secretary and Vice President.  If you know of excellent candidates that meet the eligibility requirements, please be sure to submit your nomination(s). Details of the positions, procedures, requirements, and timeline are available on the ISCB website at: https://www.iscb.org/leadership-nominations-and-elections.

We are looking forward to an active participation by the ISCB membership in the nomination and election process, and we thank you in advance for your qualified nominations.

If you have any questions, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
JUST ANNOUNCED: Confirmed Proceedings Presentations!
The Proceedings Presentations have been confirmed at ISMB/ECCB 2023.  Don't miss these presentations & stellar science!
Proceedings Presentations

Time is ticking on abstract submissions - Submit your research today!

Submit your abstract today to the Communities of Special Interest (COSI)Track that most accurately reflects the area of your work:

Deadline: April 20, 2023

3DSIG • Bio-Ontologies • BIOINFO-CORE • BioVis • BOSC: Bioinformatics Open Source Conference • CAMDA • CompMS • Education • Equity-focused Research • Evolution and Comparative Genomics • Function • General ComputationalBiology • HitSeq • iRNA • MLCSB• MICROBIOME • NetBio • 
RegSys • SysMod • Text Mining • TransMed • VarI
Abstract Submissions
Register today & join us in Lyon, France!
The conference’s rigorous focus on computation and methodology coupled with outstanding biology is a must attend event of the year!  ISMB/ECCB 2023 in collaboration with SFBI (https://www.sfbi.fr/) will spike your curiosity and deliver the latest research in the field.  
Register today to connect, collaborate, & engage!
Register to Attend

Showcase your Technology!

Showcase your software and/or hardware relevant to the bioinformatics / molecular biology community and submit to the technology track at ISMB/ECCB 2023!

Deadline: May 04, 2023
Tech Track Submissions
Conference Information
Book Your Hotel

Get ready for a customized sponsorship experience!

This is not cookie cutter sponsorship, we don’t sell packages, we sell results based on your KPIs.  We’re here to offer custom, multiyear sponsorship opportunities for your community. Creating partnerships that mutually benefit you and ISCB. Contact Veronika Hotton, to discuss how we can tailor your ISCB sponsor journey!
ISCB Sponsorship Program

Don't Miss These Deadlines:


Workshop Scholarship Opportunities 

The ITN is hosting a workshop at the GLBIO conference on May 15th, 2023. Trainees who are undergraduates, graduate students, medical students, or postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to attend. We expect up to 30 attendees for this workshop.  Travel scholarships are available but limited for several workshop attendees and will be supported by the ITCR Training network.

DeadlineApril 7th, 2023 
Workshop Scholarship
Register Today & SAVE!

GLBIO 2023 is headed to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Don't miss your chance to save when you register at the early rate. 

Don't miss the writing workshops on May 18th, organized by ISCB Student members at McGill for professional development for students and postdocs (or anyone that might need to brush up on their skills).

Early Registration Deadline: April 12, 2023

Agenda at a Glance

Call for Late Posters

Submissions are invited for late posters at the 15th Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference.  Submit your research today!

Deadline: April 20th, 2023 
Late Poster Submissions
Conference Information
Keynote Speakers