Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

Still Time to Register for ISMB 2014!



With more than 1,500 expected attendees, you don't want to be the one left wishing you were there!

Don't miss your chance to collaborate with scientists representing more than 45 countries from computer science, molecular biology, mathematics, statistics and related fields!
This year, ISMB 2014 offers 200+ talks spanning 14+ different topic areas, as well as 800 posters.
Browse through the detailed conference schedule.
Register now and join us in Boston for three full days of incredible science!

July 11 - 15, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts


















ISMB 2014: Hot off the Press - Full ISMB Program!

Register Now for ISMB 2014 and Save $200!



Final hours left to take advantage of early registration discounts!!

Save $200 off regular prices
- ISCB Members Save $400

Fresh off the Press - Full ISMB Program!

Register today and save $200 for your all access pass to 200+ scientific sessions , 37 original paper presentations, 800 posters, and several social events.  Welcoming attendees from more than 45 countries, ISMB is the global conference to connect, collaborate and learn!

ISMB 2014 will offer a strong scientific program and the broadest scope of any international computational biology/ bioinformatics conference!

Mark your calendars for ISMB 2014!

See you in Boston!


















ISMB 2014 Program Highlights



There is still time to register!

Do you have an idea or topic for a meeting to discuss with your fellow colleagues?

ISMB 2014 offers a number of "spontaneous" open meetings to foster colleague interaction on topics of mutual interest in a relaxed atmosphere.

Submit a topic for a Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) meeting!

Don't miss your opportunity to hear incredible science presentations!  Check out the Highlights Track!

Highlights Track Presentations will be in the following areas:

ISMB 2014 is the premier international computation biology meeting worldwide, and is sure to be the year's most important computational biology event globally!

Mark your calendars for ISMB 2014 and join us in Boston!

July 11 - 15, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts





Top 3 Reasons Not to Miss ISMB 2014 - Register Now!



Why You Should Attend the Premier Computational Biology Conference of the Year!

The Science – Choose from scientific sessions, over 750 posters, and tutorials representing a multidisciplinary forum for the dissemination of the latest developments in computational biology/bioinformatics. -Explore the Program-

Connect – Meet and Collaborate with over 1,600 scientists representing more than 45 countries from computer science, molecular biology, mathematics, statistics and related fields.

Training & Professional Development – Learn the latest techniques in our Technology Track.  Attend the JPI meeting for those transitioning from Post Doc to Junior PI or the Student Council Symposiums.      

ISMB 2014 is the premier international computation biology meeting worldwide, and is sure to be the year's most important computational biology event globally!

Mark your calendars for ISMB 2014 and join us in Boston!

July 11 - 15, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts
















ISMB 2014: Participate in the Arts & Science Exhibition

Call for Art & Science Exhibition Proposals - ISMB 2014

**Submit to The Arts and Science Submission Site**
Deadline May 31, 2014
The Art & Science Exhibition is an event organized by the ISCB Student Council, a student-led section of ISCB whose mission is the development of the next generation of computational biologists.
The conference will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. In these fields we are constantly dealing with information in visual form: from microscope images and photographs of gels to scatter plots, network graphs and phylogenetic trees, structural formulae and protein models to flow diagrams, visual aids for problem-solving are omnipresent.
Some of the works of the annual exhibitions at the conference combines outstanding beauty and aesthetics with deep insight that perfectly proves the validity of our approach or goes beyond the problem's solution. Others were surprising and inspiring through the transition from science to art, opening our eyes and minds to reflect on the work that we are undertaking. 

For the Art & Science Exhibition the organizers invite all interested conference attendees (hereafter referred to as "artists") to submit such images and videos ("artworks") that have been generated as part of a research project. They are also soliciting images and videos resulting from creative efforts that involve scientific concepts or employ scientific tools and methods.


ISMB 2014: Information for SIGs and Satellite Meetings
SIG and SM Deadlines and Information

Boston, Massachusetts
July 11 – 15, 2014

-->Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

4th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis)
URL: www.biovis.net
Date: July 11-12, 2014

BioVis 2014 is the premier venue that brings together the visualization, bioinformatics, and biology communities to explore the application of visualization research to life science problems and to demonstrate the state of the art in the field. Highlights include

  • a keynote by Tamara Munzner
  • primer and challenges talks by field experts
  • paper and poster presentations
  • data- and redesign contests
  • perfect networking opportunities
  • a “bring your own problem speed-dating” session, where life scientists can bring their own problems to discuss with visualization experts

Call for Participation in the 4th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization at ISMB 2014. Papers are due March 1 and posters are due by May 24, 2014

The Automated Function Prediction Special Interest Group (AFP-SIG)
URL: http://biofunctionprediction.org
Date: July 11 & 12, 2014

The mission of the Automated Function Prediction Special Interest Group (AFP-SIG) is to bring together computational biologists, experimental biologists, and biocurators who are dealing with the important problem of gene and gene product function prediction, to share ideas and create collaborations.

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts: April 18, 2014
BioLINK SIG: Supporting Bioscience through Text Mining
URL: http://biolinksig.org/biolink-2014/
Date: Friday, July 11 (General BioLINK SIG meeting) & Saturday, July 12 (Special session, joint with BioOntologies: Phenotype Day)

We hope to attract research to this SIG meeting that directly integrates text mining into computational methods addressing biological problems, and will dedicate part of the workshop specifically to the role of text mining for automated function prediction and genetic variant interpretation.

Submissions Deadline: April 11, 2014
Bio-Ontologies Special Interest Group meeting
URL: http://www.bio-ontologies.org.uk/
Date: July 11 and July 12

The Bio-Ontologies SIG is a forum to present the most innovative research in the application of ontologies and the organisation, presentation and dissemination of knowledge in biomedicine and the life sciences.

We invite three types of submissions. Short papers (4 pages), Posters and Flash updates (1 page), deadline: April 11, 2014
The 15th Annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2014)
URL: www.open-bio.org/wiki/BOSC_2014
Date: July 11-12, 2014

BOSC covers the wide range of open source bioinformatics projects that have been successfully developed and adopted by the community, and encompasses the growing movement of Open Science, with its focus on transparency, reproducibility, and data provenance.

Deadline for submission of abstracts for talks: April 4 and Deadline for submission of abstracts for posters: May 15
HitSEQ: High Throughput Sequencing Algorithms & Applications
URL: http://hitseq.org/
Date: July 11 & 12, 2014

HiTSeq provides a forum for in depth presentations of novel algorithms, analysis methods, and applications in multiple areas of biology that HTS is transforming.

Full paper submission deadline: April 6, 2014
Integrative RNA Biology - SIG (IRB-SIG)
Date: July 11, 2014

In this meeting we aim to bring computational experts attending ISMB together with world experts in the fields of RNA processing and non-coding RNAs to discuss recent advances in RNA biology and related computational and experimental methodology.
Mass Spectrometry SIG (MS-SIG)
URL: http://igenomed2.stanford.edu/BeyondProteomics_2014/
Date: July 12, 2014

MS-SIG aims to bring together experts from the global research community to discuss current progress and challenges in the field of mass spectrometry based proteomics and computational biology.

Abstract submission deadline is March 14, 2014 and May 12, 2014
NetBio SIG
URL: http://nrnb.org/netbiosig/
Date: July 11, 2014

The meeting will provide a unique meeting space for tool developers and users in the field of network biology. Through these complementary lenses, the meeting will bring into focus the current state of the field, its future promise and how to get there.

Submission deadline is April 22, 2014

New Challenges in Computational Single Cell Biology
URL: www.imsb.ethz.ch/researchgroup/mclaassen/Events/ISMB_SIG_CSCB_2014
Date: July 12, 2014

This workshop features keynotes from invited speakers, presentations selected from the submitted abstracts and poster presentations to share the latest results on single cell driven biology, cutting edge technology development and mathematical modeling approaches.

Call for abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters. The best accepted abstracts will be invited for oral presentation.

Abstract submission Deadline is April 30, 2014


Regulatory Genomics Special Interest Group - RegGenSIG
URL: http://light.ece.ohio.edu/~reggen/2014/
Date: July 12, 2014

RegGenSIG is a collaborative community of scientists who convene to solve difficult research problems in all areas of computational regulatory genomics.

Submit abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Extended abstracts for oral presentation are due by April 20, 2014, and 250 word abstracts for poster presentations are due by May 18, 2014
URL: http://varisig.biofold.org
Date: July 12, 2014

The primary goal of the VarI-SIG is to outline and discuss the recent advances in the methodology for the annotation and analysis of genomic variation data.

Poster and Presentation Proposal deadline April 6, 2014

Satellite Meetings (SMs)

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-->Satellite Meetings (SMs)

3Dsig: Structural Bioinformatics & Computational Biophysics
URL: http://bcb.med.usherbrooke.ca/3dsig14
Date: July 11 & 12, 2014

3Dsig, a Satellite Meeting of the ISMB/ECCB conference, focused on structural bioinformatics and computational biophysics and has become the largest meeting in this growing field. This year we are celebrating our 10th meeting and highlighting the 2013 Nobel prize in Chemistry awarded to Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt & Arieh Warshel, the pioneers of the field.

Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2014
CAMDA: Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis
URL: http://www.camda.info/
Date: Friday, July 11 & Saturday, July 12 2014

CAMDA presents an open-ended data analysis challenge format which focuses on big heterogeneous data sets that are increasingly produced in several fields of the life sciences.

Call for submissions deadlines: Extended Abstract Proposals: May 20, 2014, Abstract for Posters: May 25, 2014, Full papers: Aug 25, 2014
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ISCB Buzz - Conference Updates and Deadlines

Don’t Miss These Key Dates - Plan to attend these dynamic conferences!

April 18, 2014
Hotel Rate Registration

May 04, 2014
Online Conference
Registration Closes

-View Conference Program-
May 07, 2014
Late-Breaking Posters Deadline

May 08, 2014
Early Registration Deadline

April 18, 2014
Late Poster Submission Deadline

May 09, 2014
Art & Science Deadline

June 06, 2014
Early Registration  Deadline

Mark Your Calendars!
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 28 - 30, 2014
Mark Your Calendars!
San Diego, California
November 10 - 14, 2014
Mark Your Calendars!
Tokyo, Japan
December  15 - 17, 2014






























Bioinformatics Curriculum Guidelines: Toward a Definition of Core Competencies

Rapid advances in the life sciences and in related information technologies necessitate the ongoing refinement of bioinformatics educational programs in order to maintain their relevance. As the discipline of bioinformatics and computational biology expands and matures, it is important to characterize the elements that contribute to the success of professionals in this field. These individuals work in a wide variety of settings, including bioinformatics core facilities, biological and medical research laboratories, software development organizations, pharmaceutical and instrument development companies, and institutions that provide education, service, and training. In response to this need, the Curriculum Task Force of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Education Committee seeks to define curricular guidelines for those who train and educate bioinformaticians. The previous report of the task force summarized a survey that was conducted to gather input regarding the skill set needed by bioinformaticians [1]. The current article details a subsequent effort, wherein the task force broadened its perspectives by examining bioinformatics career opportunities, surveying directors of bioinformatics core facilities, and reviewing bioinformatics education programs.

Click here to read the full article. 


Hot off the E-press!

The ISCB Spring Newsletter

Click through the exciting updates within the community and learn more about ISCB's new initiatives in the 2014 Spring Newsletter.


ISMB 2014: Information for SIGs and Satellite Meetings
SIG and SM Deadlines and Information

Boston, Massachusetts
July 11 – 15, 2014

-->Special Interest Groups (SIGs):

4th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis)
URL: www.biovis.net
Date: July 11-12, 2014

BioVis 2014 is the premier venue that brings together the visualization, bioinformatics, and biology communities to explore the application of visualization research to life science problems and to demonstrate the state of the art in the field. Highlights include

  • a keynote by Tamara Munzner
  • primer and challenges talks by field experts
  • paper and poster presentations
  • data- and redesign contests
  • perfect networking opportunities
  • a “bring your own problem speed-dating” session, where life scientists can bring their own problems to discuss with visualization experts

Call for Participation in the 4th Symposium on Biological Data Visualization at ISMB 2014. Papers are due March 1 and posters are due by May 24, 2014

The Automated Function Prediction Special Interest Group (AFP-SIG)
URL: http://biofunctionprediction.org
Date: July 11 & 12, 2014

The mission of the Automated Function Prediction Special Interest Group (AFP-SIG) is to bring together computational biologists, experimental biologists, and biocurators who are dealing with the important problem of gene and gene product function prediction, to share ideas and create collaborations.

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts: April 18, 2014
BioLINK SIG: Supporting Bioscience through Text Mining
URL: http://biolinksig.org/biolink-2014/
Date: Friday, July 11 (General BioLINK SIG meeting) & Saturday, July 12 (Special session, joint with BioOntologies: Phenotype Day)

We hope to attract research to this SIG meeting that directly integrates text mining into computational methods addressing biological problems, and will dedicate part of the workshop specifically to the role of text mining for automated function prediction and genetic variant interpretation.

Submissions Deadline: April 11, 2014
Bio-Ontologies Special Interest Group meeting
URL: www.bio-ontologies.org.uk/
Date: July 11 and July 12

The Bio-Ontologies SIG is a forum to present the most innovative research in the application of ontologies and the organisation, presentation and dissemination of knowledge in biomedicine and the life sciences.

We invite three types of submissions. Short papers (4 pages), Posters and Flash updates (1 page), deadline: April 11, 2014
The 15th Annual Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2014)
URL: www.open-bio.org/wiki/BOSC_2014
Date: July 11-12, 2014

BOSC covers the wide range of open source bioinformatics projects that have been successfully developed and adopted by the community, and encompasses the growing movement of Open Science, with its focus on transparency, reproducibility, and data provenance.

Deadline for submission of abstracts for talks: April 4 and Deadline for submission of abstracts for posters: May 15
HitSEQ: High Throughput Sequencing Algorithms & Applications
URL: http://hitseq.org/
Date: July 11 & 12, 2014

HiTSeq provides a forum for in depth presentations of novel algorithms, analysis methods, and applications in multiple areas of biology that HTS is transforming.

Full paper submission deadline: April 6, 2014
Integrative RNA Biology - SIG (IRB-SIG)
Date: July 11, 2014

In this meeting we aim to bring computational experts attending ISMB together with world experts in the fields of RNA processing and non-coding RNAs to discuss recent advances in RNA biology and related computational and experimental methodology.
Mass Spectrometry SIG (MS-SIG)
URL: http://igenomed2.stanford.edu/BeyondProteomics_2014/
Date: July 12, 2014

MS-SIG aims to bring together experts from the global research community to discuss current progress and challenges in the field of mass spectrometry based proteomics and computational biology.

Abstract submission deadline is March 14, 2014 and May 12, 2014
NetBio SIG
URL: http://nrnb.org/netbiosig/
Date: July 11, 2014

The meeting will provide a unique meeting space for tool developers and users in the field of network biology. Through these complementary lenses, the meeting will bring into focus the current state of the field, its future promise and how to get there.

Submission deadline is April 22, 2014

New Challenges in Computational Single Cell Biology
URL: www.imsb.ethz.ch/researchgroup/mclaassen/Events/ISMB_SIG_CSCB_2014
Date: July 12, 2014

This workshop features keynotes from invited speakers, presentations selected from the submitted abstracts and poster presentations to share the latest results on single cell driven biology, cutting edge technology development and mathematical modeling approaches.

Call for abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters. The best accepted abstracts will be invited for oral presentation.

Abstract submission Deadline is April 30, 2014


Regulatory Genomics Special Interest Group - RegGenSIG
URL: http://light.ece.ohio.edu/~reggen/2014/
Date: July 12, 2014

RegGenSIG is a collaborative community of scientists who convene to solve difficult research problems in all areas of computational regulatory genomics.

Submit abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Extended abstracts for oral presentation are due by April 20, 2014, and 250 word abstracts for poster presentations are due by May 18, 2014
URL: http://varisig.biofold.org
Date: July 12, 2014

The primary goal of the VarI-SIG is to outline and discuss the recent advances in the methodology for the annotation and analysis of genomic variation data.

Poster and Presentation Proposal deadline April 6, 2014

Satellite Meetings (SMs)

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-->Satellite Meetings (SMs)

3Dsig: Structural Bioinformatics & Computational Biophysics
URL: http://bcb.med.usherbrooke.ca/3dsig14
Date: July 11 & 12, 2014

3Dsig, a Satellite Meeting of the ISMB/ECCB conference, focused on structural bioinformatics and computational biophysics and has become the largest meeting in this growing field. This year we are celebrating our 10th meeting and highlighting the 2013 Nobel prize in Chemistry awarded to Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt & Arieh Warshel, the pioneers of the field.

Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2014
CAMDA: Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis
URL: www.camda.info/
Date: Friday, July 11 & Saturday, July 12 2014

CAMDA presents an open-ended data analysis challenge format which focuses on big heterogeneous data sets that are increasingly produced in several fields of the life sciences.

Call for submissions deadlines: Extended Abstract Proposals: May 20, 2014, Abstract for Posters: May 25, 2014, Full papers: Aug 25, 2014
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