Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

ISCB News and Announcements

Proceedings Submission Close
ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics
Late-breaking Posters Submissions Close
Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO 2015)
Full Papers Submissions Close

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International Society for Computational Biology
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ISCB Buzz: Conference Deadlines, FASEB 2016 Science Awards, Cytoscape at RSG & the Advancement & Challenges in Computational Biology

ISMB Proceedings - Deadline: January 16!
ISMB/ECCB 2015 will bring together Bioinformaticians and Computational Biologists working in a wide range of disciplines, including molecular biology, biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics. Papers that demonstrate both the development of new computational techniques and their application to Molecular and Systems Biology, with significant outcomes to biomedical, agricultural, and environmental questions are especially encouraged.
GLBIO Proceedings - Deadline: February 1st!
Full length papers and abstracts are solicited for oral and poster presentations at the 10th Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference, an official conference of the International Society for Computational Biology. This call is an invitation to scientists and professionals working in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology to submit high quality original research papers for presentation at GLBIO 2015.
Africa Registration & Late-breaking Posters
ISCB-Africa ASBCB Bioinformatics Conference, open for registration, welcomes late-breaking original research poster submissions! Posters are intended to convey a scientific result that is original work, and are not advertisements for commercial software packages. Posters may cover any area of computational biology.  Click here for more information!
RECOMB 2015 Call for Posters & Highlights
RECOMB 2015 invites the submission of abstracts of papers that have been published in a journal after October 1, 2013 or papers that are "in press" at the time of submission and are already linked on the journal web site.
FASEB 2016 Excellence in Science Award Nominations!
FASEB is seeking nominations for its 2016 Excellence in Science Award that recognizes the significant accomplishments of women scientists. We look forward to another list of nominees that reads like a 'Who's Who' of international science, containing the names of outstanding women in science who have accomplished scientific work of lasting impact and have contributed substantially to training the next generation of scientists.
Cytoscape at RSG 2014!
The Cytoscape team was thrilled to be a part of this year's Regulatory and Systems Genomics conference along with DREAM Challenges. Thanks to support from the National Resource for Network Biology (http://nrnb) and Agilent Technologies, we were able to host a number of unique events integrated into the meeting.
Advancements & Challenges in Computational Biology
Ruth Nussinov, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of PLOS Computational Biology & ISCB Fellow gives a detailed perspective on significant computational biology advances of the last decade, and reflects on some key challenges ahead.





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ISCB mourns the loss of Rockefeller University mathematician Peter Sellers. Sellers was an early contributor to the theory of computing evolutionary distances between nucleotide sequences (PNAS 76(7):3041 1979). Through a four-plus decade career at Rockefeller, Dr. Sellers's research covered numerous problems at the intersection of mathematics and biology. His earliest collaborations with biologists were in the field of biochemical kinetics. Peter was also an accomplished sailor, who designed and built his own sailboat.


Online Registration Closing Soon for the 2014 RECOMB/ISCB Conference!

Please note online registration closes Tuesday, November 4, 2014, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

After this time registration will only be available onsite at the conference registration desk at the Wyndham San Diego Bayside, beginning on Monday, November 10 at 8:15 am.

RegSysGen Top 10 Papers Reading List
Nominate Now!

Dear Colleagues,

Please help nominate papers in the field of Regulatory and Systems Genomics, that you've recently read and found to be of particular interest. Relevant areas include Motifs, Grammars, Networks, Systems, Variation, Disease, Personal Genomics, GWAS interpretation, Regulatory Evolution, Comparative genomics, Epigenomics, Physical modeling, Dataset Integration, Splicing regulation, transcriptional regulation, and all areas of gene and genome regulation at the systems level.

You can find the nomination form here: http://goo.gl/forms/ENlRYpOVhD

Please nominate papers that appeared between September 1st, 2013 and November 12, 2014. You can of course nominate a paper from your own group, but we ask that if you are doing so, to also take the time to nominate at least one paper that was not co-authored by you.

The nomination process will close on November 5th.

Our goal is to identify seminal papers that introduced not only new biological insights, but also key computational methodologies for interpreting biological datasets that have had and will continue to have a lasting impact in the field of Regulatory and Systems Genomics. These will be honored at an awards ceremony in the 2014 RECOMB/ISCB Meeting on Regulatory and Systems Genomics in San Diego on November 9-14, 2014. www.iscb.org/recomb-regsysgen2014

Thank you for your help and for being part of our community,

Manolis Kellis and Saurabh Sinha
Co-organizers, RegSysGen Top 10 Papers Reading List
ISCB Special Interest Group On Regulatory & Systems Genomics (RegSys SIG)

Join us for the 2014 RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics Conference!



Hot off the E-press!

The ISCB Fall 2014 Newsletter

Click through the exciting updates within the community and learn more about ISCB's new initiatives in the 2014 Fall Newsletter.


View the online program for the 2014 RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics Conference!


This conference will also feature the ninth annual meeting of the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM). We invite the scientific community to participate in this year’s DREAM Challenges, which have been designed to focus attention on important questions related to human health.

Learn more about the DREAM Challenges.

November 9-14, 2014

Join us in San Diego, California for five full-packed days of science and networking. The conference will feature 13 keynote speakers, 49 talks, 8 Cytoscape Application talks, 2 Cytoscape Workshops, and over 12 DREAM Challenge and Best Performer presentations.

Discounted hotel rooms are still available! Act now before the conference rate expires on FRIDAY!

Don't miss this premier event in Regulatory and Systems Genomics!!








Affiliates Representative to the ISCB Board of Directors Election Results!

ISCB Announces Affiliates Representative to the ISCB Board of Directors Election Results Horton Elected as the ISCB Affiliates Representative to Board of Directors
Paul Horton, PhD, has been elected as the newest  ISCB Affiliates Representative to the Board of Directors. Horton is presently the Director of the Computational Biology Research Center (CBRC) in Tokyo, Japan and is a visiting associate professor at the Graduate School for Frontier Sciences at Tokyo University. He is an active member of the Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) affiliate group and has served as an ISCB Board Member, and past ISCB Conferences Committee Chair.

Horton holds a PhD in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, and has experience in both the academic and tech start-up sectors. Horton’s computational interests include programming, algorithm development, and applications of machine learning. Horton applies his computational approaches to better understanding several biological areas, including subcellular protein localization, motif discovery, genome alignment, and sequence processing.
Horton has worked at CBRC since 2003, first as a research team leader, and more recently, as its director. Horton is spearheading CBRC’s plan to make significant and useful contributions to the application of genomic data in medicine and biotechnology.
Horton has served the bioinformatics community in numerous capacities, including his work as an ISCB board member and trustee of the Japanese Society for Bioinformatics. He chaired the ISCB-Asia/SCCG 2012 conference and has also worked on conference committees for ISMB and other world-class bioinformatics meetings.  He is currently chairing the GIW ISCB-Asia conference, which will be held in December in Tokyo, Japan.  Horton is on the editorial boards of several bioinformatics journals and also advises graduate students at Tokyo University.
Horton’s diverse training and research experiences in the United States, Taiwan, and Japan have given him a valuable and unique perspective of the global bioinformatics community, which should serve him well in his new position as the affiliates representative.

Join us for the 2014 RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics Conference!


This conference will also feature the ninth annual meeting of the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM). We invite the scientific community to participate in this year’s DREAM Challenges, which have been designed to focus attention on important questions related to human health.

Learn more about the DREAM Challenges.

Join us in San Diego, California for five full-packed days of science and networking.  The conference will feature 13 keynote speakers, 49 talks, 8 Cytoscape Application talks, 2 Cytoscape Workshops, and over 12 DREAM Challenge and Best Performer presentations.  

Discounted hotel rooms are still available!  Act now before the conference rate expires on FRIDAY!

Don't miss this premier event in Regulatory and Systems Genomics!!








ISCB Advances Young Careers!
Meet the young scientists that benefited from your support


Summer—a time for picnics, beaches, vacation—and the world’s hottest computational biology conferences! Thanks to support from our members, ISCB awarded travel fellowships to 89 students to attend ISMB in Boston, USA, and 9 students to attend ECCB in Strasbourg, France.

Donate to the ISCB Student Travel Fellowship Campaign and invest in the future of bioinformatics and computational biology! Without the support of travel fellowships, many recipients would not have been able to attend the top conferences in our fields. And, ISCB receives many more deserving applications than we can fund. Your donations help us do more. Your contribution, at any amount, will make a difference for a young scientist!

From posters, to highlights and proceedings talks—for many students, ISMB and ECCB are their first opportunities to present at a major scientific conference.

Watch and hear how attending ISMB 2014 impacted students!

Watch the full interviews to see how ISMB gives young scientists a head start at the ISCB YouTube Channel!  

Summer may be over, but ISCB has exciting conferences planned for Fall 2014 and 2015! Learn more about how you can help young scientists and ISCB at  


ISMB 2014 ISCB Student Travel Fellowship Awardees
ECCB 2014 ISCB Student Travel Fellowship Awardees


 On behalf of the ISCB Board of Directors, we thank you for your support and participation in our Society!

For further information, contact:

ISCB Development Office
+1 858-630-5339
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ISCB Announces Results of the 2014 Officer Elections

The Board of Directors of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) is pleased to announce the results of the recent officer elections. Members of the society elected the following as incoming officers beginning January 2015:

  • Secretary – Scott Markel, Ph.D., Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA, USA. Scott Markel is the Principal Bioinformatics Architect in BIOVIA's Research and Development group. He is the current Secretary for ISCB and will continue in that role.  Markel is also the chair of the Publications Committee, led the ISCB executive director search task force, and is on the editorial board for both PLOS Computational Biology and OUP Bioinformatics.

  • Vice President – Bonnie Berger, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT), USA. Bonnie Berger is Professor of Applied Mathematics, and on the faculty of the Computation and Biology group at the MIT-CSAIL. She is also an affiliate member of Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST), and MIT's Computer Science and Systems Biology initiative (CSBi). Berger is an ISCB Fellow, currently serves on ISCB board of directors, serves as the chair of the Awards Committee, and chaired ISMB 2014.

  • Vice President – Christine Orengo, Ph.D., University College London, United Kingdom. Christine Orengo is a professor of Bioinformatics at the University College London.  She was recently elected as a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).  Orengo is the co-chair of the Communities of Special Interest (COSIs) Committee and played an instrumental role in developing the program.  She is also the co-chair of the Conferences Committee and serves as a current member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

This year's election also included ISCB Student Council leadership. The ISCB Board of Directors is pleased to announce the elected young professionals who will lead the ISCB Student Council (SC) in 2015.

  • Chair – Pieter Meysman, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Vice Chair – Alexander Junge, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Treasurer – Jakob Jespersen, Broad Institute, United States
  • Secretary – Tomas Di Domenico, University of Padova, Italy
  • Student Council Representative to ISCB Board of Director – Jigisha Anupama Darbha, India

For additional information on ISCB's annual nominations and elections procedures please see http://iscb.org/iscb-leadership-a-staff-/officers-and-board-directors/nomination-election-procedures.

The next call for nominations of directors, officers and student council leaders will open February 2015, for terms beginning in January 2016.