Volunteer Opportunities
ISCB-Africa ASBCB is pleased to announce a call for Volunteer Student Support Staff for the conference, November 11-15, 2019 at Kumasi, Ghana.
The conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of research findings and methods, and development of long-term relationships and networking opportunities, for researchers within the region, as well as from around the world.
As a member of the Volunteer Student Support Staff, you will receive valuable first-hand experience at an academic association conference, a certificate of appreciation as well as a full refund on your registration once your obligations are complete. Please review the below volunteer requirements:
- Attend a volunteer meeting before the conference to ensure you are prepared for all volunteer responsibilities
- Complete all assigned shifts
- You will be notified of your shifts in advance of the conference and are required to sign and return in acknowledgement
- Please review the list of possible assignments below:
- Registration:
- Handing out name badges, processing of invoices and assisting with on-site registration
- Educational sessions:
- Check in with the session leader at the beginning of the session and identify yourself as the volunteer to assist in that session
- Checking badges for entrance to session rooms
- Counting attendees in each educational session
- Monitor session rooms, alerting conference manager of any AV or emergency needs during session
- Other conference opportunities:
- Numbering poster boards to include monitoring hanging up and taking down of poster boards by presenters
- Assist attendees in locating various events throughout the conference
- Answer questions about the scientific program and giving directions within the venue
Only a small number of students will be selected to participate on this team. Those interesting in applying should complete the application (coming soon!).