Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide


NGS 2017 | April 3 – 5, 2017 | Barcelona, Spain |CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS


Late-breaking Research Submission now being accepted.  Deadline 29 January 2017

NGS 2017 invites abstract submissions for consideration for oral presentations or poster. Abstracts may be either original unpublished work or original work that was published or accepted for publication at a high-impact journal. Published and un-published original works will be selected on the basis of the extended abstracts and proposed for either an oral or a poster presentation.

Authors with un-published original work selected for presentation at the conference will be invited to submit a full-length paper or extended abstract with full data for peer-review to published* in the ISCB Community Journal, ISCB NGS-BARCELONA channel. All posters will also be invited to submit in poster format to the ISCB NGS-BARCELONA channel.

The program will address a wide range of topics such as genome assembly, variant characterization and analysis, gene expression, population history, and disease. Sizeable space is dedicated to submission-based presentations from the below topics.

Topics include:

  • Copy number variation in population genomics and translational applications
  • Software and algorithms for high-throughput sequencing technologies
  • NGS data management and visualisation
  • Applications of NGS in:
    • Population genomics
    • Metagenomics
    • Single cell analysis
    • Clinical and translational biology

**Abstract text limited to 300 words

Plan to submit your research to this engaging conference!


For submission support, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Abstracts received before the due date will be considered for oral presentations and/or poster presentations. If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in an abstract booklet that will be distributed to all conference participants. Accepted original research abstracts will also be invited to publish in the ISCB Community Journal at the author's’ expense.

* Authors are responsible for publishing fees. ISCB members receive a 20% discount.
