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June 28 at 11:00AM EDT -  Early Publication Access and EMBL-EBI Bio-molecular Data Tackle COVID-19 by Matt Pearce, EBI, and Michael Parkin, EBI.  Hosted by ISCB

The COVID-19 Data Portal (CDP) and Europe PMC’s full-text collection of COVID-19 preprints represent two efforts by EMBL-EBI to make data available to promote coronavirus research.

The COVID-19 Data Portal (CDP) was launched in April 2020 to provide access to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 biomolecular data in an accessible manner. The data portal is part of the European COVID-19 Data Platform, which is provided by EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), ELIXIR, partners from the ReCoDID and VEO projects and the European Open Science Cloud. There are national portals that complement the covid19dataportal.org and represent a broad international collaboration.

In recognition of many researchers publishing their COVID-19 results rapidly via preprints during the pandemic, Europe PMC (https://europepmc.org/), an EMBL-EBI database for life science literature, launched a project in July 2020 to make the full text of COVID-19 preprints available for reading and reuse via a standard XML format. Preprints are linked to journal-published articles, open peer review materials, as well as underlying data in community databases, including PDBe, ENA, and many more. The full text corpus of COVID-19 preprints with an open access license or similar is made available for download via a public API and FTP site, enabling deeper analysis.

Hosted by:

The International Society for Computational Biology

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