Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
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AdvCompBio 2019 | Nov 28 - 29, 2019 | La Pedrera. Barcelona, Spain |CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS


  • Learning from biological sequences

Including population genomics, evolutionary genomics, systems biology, transcriptomics, sequence analysis.

  • When Computational Biology meets medicine

Including biomedical applications, mutational landscapes, clinical genomics.

  • Machines speeding up research

Including high performance computing, machine learning in the life sciences, imaging data analysis, dynamic simulations and algorithm development.



During the first Advanced in Computational Biology Conference, we are pleased to announce that a number of prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations. These awards are given to acknowledge the quality of these presentations and to encourage excellence in the dissemination of computational biology research. The awards will be presented after an assessment conducted by a panel of judges. Oral presentations will be scored by the session chairs, and posters evaluated by peer evaluation. Scores will be based on the following criteria: 

Oral Presentations

The best oral presentation in each of the thematic tracks will be awarded a laptop computer courtesy of HP Women in Technology.

Oral presentations are to be assessed both on the scientific merit of the research and on the ability of the presenter to convey the research to the audience.

  • The written abstract is part of the judging process, assigned 15 points. The abstract should be well written, with sufficient detail and a good representation of the work presented.
  • Content of the presentation is assigned 35 points. Factors considered include the quality and interest of the introduction, organization, clarity of aims and results and the scientific merit of the study.
  • Presentation style and delivery are assigned 30 points. This includes the pace, vocal clarity, language and grammar, poise and confidence, rapport and eye contact with the audience, quality, and relevance of the visuals.
  • Question period is assigned 15 points. Factors considered include the ability to directly answer the questions and engage in discussion with the audience.




Poster Presentations

The best poster presentation in each of the thematic tracks will be awarded a signed and dedicated copy of the book “Analyzing Network Data in Biology and Medicine” by Prof. Nataša Pržulj courtesy of Cambridge University Press

Poster prizes will be awarded by popular vote using an online form, and each participant will be entitled to choose up to 3 posters in each of the two sessions. Suggested aspects to be taken into account include: scientific content of the poster, clarity and interest of the introduction, organization of the material presented, development of the concepts of the study, clarity of thought, suitability of references cited and the scientific merit of the study. Also, appearance of the poster, including readability and relevance of the visuals, and text/graphic balance.

Cambridge University Press 



Abstract submission opens May 6th, 2019
Abstract submission deadline July 7th, 2019
Oral communication and poster acceptance notification September 1st, 2019




If you encounter any problems during submission please contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.