Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

Papers and Abstracts

Links in this page: General Submission Information | Full Papers for Oral Presentation | Abstracts for Oral Presentation or Poster | Questions

General Submission Information

Submissions are invited for full papers, oral presentation abstracts, and posters at the 17th Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference, an official conference of the International Society for Computational Biology. This is an invitation to scientists and professionals working in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology to submit high quality original research papers for presentation at GLBIO 2025. Authors of papers and oral abstracts that are accepted to the conference will present their work at the conference (longer talks for full papers, shorter talks for the abstracts). Accepted full papers will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of Bioinformatics Advances.

A wide definition and inclusion of bioinformatics/computational biology will be considered, and topics of interest include the following:

  • Algorithms & Machine Learning
  • Bioinformatics Education
  • Biostatistics
  • Cheminformatics
  • Clinical & Health Informatics
  • Databases, Ontologies & Biocuration
  • Disease Models & Molecular Medicine
  • Epidemiology & Biodiversity
  • Evolutionary, Comparative Genomics & Phylogenetics
  • Gene Regulation & Transcriptomics
  • Genome Informatics
  • Image Analysis
  • Macromolecular Structure & Function
  • Metagenomics
  • Microbiome Informatics
  • Network Biology
  • Proteomics & Metabolomics
  • Sequence Analysis
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Systems Modeling
  • Text Mining & Natural Language Processing
  • Visualization

Key dates: Click here

Special Sessions: Authors can request consideration by special sessions in Easychair. Please carefully review the information below before submitting in Easychair.

Sessions that will consider full Papers and Abstracts


Sessions that will consider Abstracts only


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Full Paper for Oral Presentation

For a variety of reasons, ISCB/GLBC strongly prefers that scientific research accepted for oral presentation be presented in-person at the conference venue. We understand that some presenters will have valid reasons to avoid in-person attendance. ISCB will grant remote presentation options for reasons associated with maternity/paternity leave, care for a family member, personal/medical disability, sickness, financial hardship, or potential visa problems. If your research is accepted for oral presentation and you are unable to present in person, ISCB/GLBC requires notification at the time of acceptance and no later than April 14, 2025. You will be asked during your confirmation of participation to confirm your in-person participation. If unable to participate you will need to request a waiver by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Bioinformatics Advances Journal has committed to considering publication of a special issue for peer-reviewed articles from the conference.

In addition to the standard submission information, authors are expected to submit a PDF of the written article following the preparation guidelines as outlined by Bioinformatics Advances

Article submissions will close February 3, 2025, initial review will be done and authors will have an opportunity to update and prepare their final manuscripts. The final date for updates will be March 3, 2025. Bioinformatics Advances will have the opportunity to review the papers and provide comments. We will give authors one month to reply to comments in order to have the list of accepted articles at the end of March. Outstanding articles will be selected for featuring talks.

Authors are responsible for all publishing fees.

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Abstracts for Oral Presentation or Poster

Abstracts for Oral Presentation submissions to GLBIO 2025 should be approximately 400 words and have no figures. Adding references to already published papers is recommended where appropriate. Submission deadline in Easychair is March 3, 2025. Late Breaking Poster submission deadline is April 10.

For a variety of reasons, ISCB/GLBC strongly prefers that scientific research accepted for oral presentation be presented in-person at the conference venue. We understand that some presenters will have valid reasons to avoid in-person attendance. ISCB will grant remote presentation options for reasons associated with maternity/paternity leave, care for a family member, personal/medical disability, sickness, financial hardship, or potential visa problems. If your research is accepted for oral presentation and you are unable to present in person, ISCB/GLBC requires notification at the time of acceptance and no later than April 14, 2025. You will be asked during your confirmation of participation to confirm your in-person participation. If unable to participate you will need to request a waiver by writing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Any abstracts submitted after the deadline will be included only at the discretion of the conference chairs, and will be eligible for poster presentations only. Please also note that we can only allow one abstract per presenting author.

In-Person Poster Hall: When preparing accepted posters please note that your printed poster should not exceed the following dimensions: 46 inches wide by 46 inches high. There will be 1or 2 poster per side on the each poster board. Additionally, we ask that you also follow the Virtual Poster Hall information below in addition to your in-person presentation. This ensures all posters are viewable to both in-person and virtual attendees thus providing more exposure to your work.

Virtual Poster Hall: When preparing accepted posters please note that your poster will need to be uploaded via the virtual platform portal in two formats - a PDF of the poster and a 5-7 minute flash talk video not to exceed 100MB. Poster portal information will be sent to all approved posters closer to the conference and after the notification deadline. All presentations MUST be uploaded April 22-May 5*. More specific dates will be given closer to the conference.
*Late Breaking posters will have a very short turn-around.

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Questions? Please send email to:

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