Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide

Special Session and Tutorial Proposals

Links in this page: Session Proposals | Responsibilities of a Session Organizer | Financial Support | Review Process | Important Dates

GLBIO 2025 will have special sessions and tutorials. The topic and structure of the sessions can vary but should be of interest to a substantial component of the bioinformatics research community. Sessions can be of three main types:

  • Focused sessions or tutorials on specific research problems in computational biology and bioinformatics (e.g., cancer genomics, genome visualization tools, precision medicine, single cell omics, population genetics, regulatory genomics.)
  • Software schools, aimed at providing training in new methods
  • Activities focused on students and postdocs, or on non-academic career opportunities

Sessions can be considered as mini-symposia on timely topics, or a new emerging area presented by topic experts. Sessions should be organized around contributed talks, invited talks, or a combination of both types, or may not have any talks (e.g., software schools and activities involving students and postdocs in training activities).

Click Here to complete the form and upload your proposal in PDF format for a Special Session or Tutorial

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Session Proposals

For sessions focusing on special research topics, the structure detailed below is required. Proposals for other types of sessions (e.g., software schools, or activities aimed at students) may have somewhat different formats, but should follow roughly the same guidelines. All proposals should be a minimum of 2 pages and no more than 6 pages in length. Research topic proposals should have the following structure:

  • Title: Up to 20 words, preferably worded to pique delegates' interest.
  • Topic: No more than one page describing the session, its research theme, and expected type of participants (undergraduates, graduate students, non-academic professionals, etc.). This section should also present a compelling argument for the importance and timeliness of the proposed session in the context of the bioinformatics community.
  • Organizer(s): Provide a list of the organizers. This should include full name, title, affiliation, email address, and webpage, and qualifications to organize this session/tutorial for each.
  • Session/Tutorial Details:  
    • Length/Duration of the session/tutorial - will it be a half-day or full-day with programme layout if possible
    • Describe the structure of the session (e.g., number of contributed talks, invited talks, or other activities)
    • Include a draft schedule showing how the session/topic will be organized including placement of invited talks, accepted talks, panel discussions, etc.
    • How presentations, as well as what types (full papers and/or abstracts), will be selected (invitation, call for submissions, etc.)
    • Include confirmed or possible speakers. This is not required, but may add weight to the proposal—indicate speakers who have already agreed to participate. NOTE: See Special Session Registration information for more details about compensation
    • Previous meetings of this, if applicable, with attendance statistics
    • Potential sources of sponsorship for the session(s) to offset the cost of the venue space, AV requirements and coffee breaks


Click Here to complete the form and upload your proposal in PDF format for a Special Session or Tutorial

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Responsibilities of a Session Organizer

If your proposal is accepted, you will be responsible for most of the organization of your session, including:

  1. Creating and maintaining a webpage for your session
  2. Deciding the session structure including length of time talks and chairing the session
  3. Attending GLBIO 2024 and running the session
  4. if your session has invited talks or tutorials, communicating and coordinating with the speakers
  5. If your session has contributed papers or abstracts, your responsibilities are to:
    • Solicit manuscripts
    • Obtain reviewers, assign papers and abstracts to reviewers, and ensure timely return of reviews
    • Evaluate the reviews and make recommendations to the GLBIO program co-chairs regarding which papers or abstracts should be accepted
    • Updating the webpage for your session with the list of accepted papers and abstracts as well as providing the schedule of talks in your session.

Final decisions regarding acceptance of submitted papers will be made by the GLBIO program co-chairs. Note that as a session organizer with contributed papers and abstracts, you will be a member of the program committee for GLBIO 2024, and contributed papers and abstracts will be submitted through the GLBIO 2024 conference EasyChair submission portal.  

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Financial Support

Accepted sessions will receive a complimentary GLBIO registration per 1/4 day (i.e., 2-hour) session; thus, a full-day  (8 hour) session would receive 4 complimentary GLBIO registrations and a half-day session would receive 2 complimentary GLBIO registrations. Note that any additional expenses will need to be covered by the session organizers.

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Review Process

Session and tutorial proposals are due by October 22, 2024. These will be reviewed by the GLBIO steering committee and program co-chairs, and decisions will be announced by November 8, 2024.

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Important Dates

  • OCTOBER 22, 2024: Proposals due for Special Sessions and Tutorials
  • NOVEMBER 8, 2024: Notifications sent for Special Session and Tutorial Proposals
  • DECEMBER 6, 2024: Creation of the webpage for session/tutorial created (with list of organizers, confirmed speakers, if and what type of submissions will be accepted, and description of the goals of the session). Registration opens January 20, so the earlier your information is available to potential attendees is appreciated.
  • DECEMBER 9, 2024: Sessions announced on GLBIO 2025 website
    • February 3, 2025: Full Paper Submission Deadline (Same as the main conference)
    • March 3, 2025: Abstract Submission Deadline (Same as the main conference)
  • One week after contributed paper decisions: Updated the webpage with list of accepted papers
  • Three weeks after contributed paper decisions: Updated webpage with schedule of talks

Click Here to complete the form and upload your proposal in PDF format for a Special Session or Tutorial

Questions? Please send email to:

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