ISCB Student Council

The ISCB board of directors recently approved a plan to form a student council of the Society. The proposal was put forth by student member Manuel Corpas Lopez, while an intern in Phil Bourne’s group at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego.

Corpas, originally from Spain, and now in the UK studying bioinformatics at the University of Manchester, showed great initiative while working with ISCB’s past president, Dr. Bourne. He also took advantage of his time in San Diego to meet with ISCB president, Michael Gribskov, and executive officer, BJ Morrison McKay, to present and discuss the student council concept. The board agreed such a council could effectively serve the issues specific to our student and post doc members, who have traditionally made up one third of the ISCB membership.

We will rely heavily on Corpas’ energy and initiative as he serves as chair of the inaugural ISCB Student Council. But, like all effective committees, the student council will need many dedicated members to help provide services to our student/post doc members. If you are interested in joining the student council please write to us at to see how you can get involved.