ECCB 2005 - Madrid, Spain

At the end of the summer of year 2005, Madrid will be greeting the delegates attending the 4th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB). Following the success of Saarbrücken, Paris and Glasgow, ECCB05 in Madrid, which will be held from September 27th to October 1st, is likely to become the largest conference on computational biology ever held in Europe. While maintaining the overall structure of the previous editions, ECCB05 will introduce some significant changes. Rather than focusing on a particular topic, the conference will attempt to promote the interchange of ideas and experiences between scientists, and to stress the biological motivation underlying bioinformatics methodologies.

Toward these ends, we have organized two new types of sessions, in one of them two renowned scientist will present and discuss their complementary and contrasting views on the development and future of their field of work. The other new section will bring together an experimental and a computational biologist who have successfully collaborated in a biological problem. The goal is to compare their complementary views, and the different experimental and computational developments required for their collaborative work.

The conference will be sponsored by the European ECCB, the Biosapiens Network of Excellence, ISCB, “Genoma España”, and the recently created Spanish Institute for Bioinformatics (INB), among others.

The steering committee includes Janet Thornton (European Bioinformatics Institute), and David Gilbert (University of Glasgow) as organizers of ISMB/ECCB04, Antoine Danchin (Pasteur Institute), Søren Brunak (Center for Biological Sequence Analysis), Burkhard Rost (Columbia University), Philip Bucher (University of Lausanne), and Martin Vingron (Max Plank Institute, Berlin). They will work in close collaboration with the national steering committee assembled by the Spanish Network of Bioinformatics, and they will contribute greatly toward making ECCB05 an intellectually appealing conference. Needless to say that Madrid in September will be also an interesting location, with three large museums to visit, and endless nights to enjoy the hospitality of a city open to all.

Looking forward to seeing you in Madrid!

Roderic Guigó (IMIM, Barcelona),

Federico Morán (U. Complutense Madrid),

Alfonso Valencia (CNB-CSIC, Madrid)

ECCB05 chairs